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Orangeville City council Tree City USA


"Danon Hulet speaks about Tree City USA."

By PHIL FAUVER staff writer

Mayor Roger Swenson opened the February meeting and after the preliminaries of a prayer and the pledge he invited Danon Hulet representing the State Department of Natural Resources and Tree City USA to explain the Tree City USA Program which is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation a nationally known non-profit organization working with the USDA Forest Service.
Hulet indicated the Tree City USA program is designed to help communities with their urban forest maintenance. There are four standards that need to be met to participate in Tree City USA. These four standards if met will show that Orangeville is proactive in the management of trees. The first requirement is to have a tree board or beautification committee. The second is to have a tree care ordinance and we have templates for that ordinance. The third is to have a budget of $2 per capita annually and show that you spend $2 per capita, taking care of your trees. Your city staff working in the parks taking care of trees can qualify as part of the $2 per capita. To qualify for this money you can count part of a city employee salary for tree maintenance such as watering, pruning and planting. The fourth is an Arbor Day celebration every year. This can be tied in with any other community event where you get the community involved in a small program with school children planting trees in the community or in the park. This can be tied in with an existing celebration. It does not have to be just planting trees. It can be a service provided like an Eagle Scout project regarding trees. The benefits within this program are that the state offers grant money every year up to $8,000 which can be applied for every year, once you become a Tree City. The Arbor Day foundation will then recognize you as a Tree City USA.
They will make available to you signs to be put up at the entrance of your city. This is a well-known program throughout the United States. You are basically doing the work, now, so you might as well get a benefit by applying for that money. This is an in kind matching grant. Volunteer hours qualify at $20.85 an hour.
The first year you need to organize a tree board or city beautification committee and a tree ordinance. Each year the Mayor needs to declare an Arbor Day in the community. These four standards have to be met by the end of the year to qualify. You can renew this program every year and every year we have an awards luncheon where you will get your award for that year. Hulet said, “I think Orangeville could benefit from this program.”
The mayor said; I am excited about this program and have in mind some places where we could benefit by planting some trees.
Stetler Tanner presented his plan for an Eagle Project in Orangeville. Stetler’s project consists of constructing a kiosk to display and make easily accessible the garden produce from Orangeville gardeners. This kiosk would be an alternative to leaving garden produce outside the Post Office. The Kiosk would be set up on his grandfather’s property on Main Street. The council approved the project and a donation for cost up to $225.
Katelyn Nicholson reported on The Day At The Legislature that was attended by two girls and the advisor to the Youth City Council. The legislature was not in session on the day they visited because they were in committee meetings. The Youth City Council did however get to have lunch with Senator David Hinkins after touring the capitol.
Orangeville Fire Chief Tracy Addley asked the council if they would like a fireworks display this year at the end of Orangeville Days? Tracy said several people have asked him when are we going to get the fireworks back? He asked, do we want fireworks this year, and do we have the money? Tracy said, we currently have about $3,000 set aside for fireworks and it has been about two or three years since the city has had fireworks as part of the celebration. Money set aside for fireworks in the past has been spent on the parks and city beautification. The City Council approved an order for $4,000 worth of fireworks. The City Council will also be asking civic minded citizens and businesses in the community if they would like to donate money for a great fireworks display to be held at the end of Orangeville Days July 24th this year.
Councilman Kent Wilson introduced the question of what shall the city do with the Blue Cut Canal that goes through Orangeville and is owned by the Cottonwood Creek Consolidated Irrigation Company. The Canal Company is going to abandon the right of way for that canal in two to four years and it will then revert to Orangeville. When and if the canal is abandoned it will then be used by the city for storm water drainage. The Canal Company wants to clean out a partial blockage caused by tree roots growing through the pipe in the area of Main Street and First East. The estimated cost for this is $5,000 to $15,000. The Canal Company would like Orangeville City to participate on a share of the cost basis. Councilman Kent Wilson said Orangeville’s need for the canal would be from Center Street South East. The two points in the city where storm water dumps into the canal now is at 5th and 6th south. The city may not be concerned about the blockage because storm water from First North and above Center Street will flow into Cottonwood Creek.
This topic was tabled for further study.
The City Council next discussed the need to clean out the channel from a build up of sediment and maintain the Cottonwood Creek drainage around the Orangeville Bridge to reduce potential flooding. Councilman Kent Wilson put forward a plan that the city on a yearly basis would evaluate Cottonwood Creek to determine the work needed to be done to restore the channel. This plan will help the city qualify for CIB funding for the creek channel-cleaning project. The council approved the plan.
Mayor Roger Swenson recommended a new name for the Orangeville Ball Field Complex. It is currently called the Dog Pound Ball Field. The Orangeville Dog Pound used to be there. He suggested the Ball Field could be named for Ken and Kathy Stilson who recently died for an honor to them. He then opened up the discussion for other suggestions. This will be put on the agenda for next months meeting. The public will be asked for name suggestions to be presented at the next meeting.
Councilmember Carole Larsen, over Planning and Zoning discussed shopping locally and pointed out the need for a directory of Orangeville businesses their product or service offered, location and phone number. This directory would be distributed to all Orangeville citizens. Orangeville has a large number of businesses in Orangeville that the citizens do not know about. Businesses could be spotlighted in the city newsletter. Dennis Tuttle indicated that there are over 85 businesses in Orangeville and many of those are home based.
After each of the Councilmen reported on their responsibilities and activities Mayor Swenson ended the meeting.

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