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Canyon View class of 2014 closing program


"Honor students Simone Burton, Tarryn Parkins, Daryl Guymon and Ty Mecham receive trophies and a cash award for all A grades all three years at Canyon View Junior High."


The Canyon View Junior High ninth grade class of 2014 held their closing program on May 21.
Erin Hurst the class president welcomed everyone to the event. She said high school will be a new adventure and challenge to them. She encouraged the students to stretch themselves, be better friends, be kind, be polite and not be afraid to take risks. She encouraged students to elevate their personal best. She thanked the parents and teachers. “Take advantage of each day. Give your all in everything you do,” said Hurst. The ninth grade students were introduced and presented with completion certificates by Principal Jim Jones and teachers Yvonne Jensen and Dean Stilson.
Curt Collard and Andy Pollaehne gave out the departmental awards for excellence.
Colton Allred-intro. into construction; Kaden Allred-9th grade math; Kaden Allred-computer tech; Jena Brinkworth-yearbook; Simone Burton-science; language arts; computer tech. and accelerated reader; Monique Bowman-computer tech; Jaylynn Cowley-computer and math; Jacee Day-courage award. Mr. Collard said even though Jacee has been sick and missed several days of school she would always pick up her packets and get her homework done while she was in the hospital. “She’s a wonderful example and we all love you,” said Mr. Collard.
Other awards went to: Ashton Dieli-computer tech and accelerated reader; Nate Gilbert-chorus; Daryl Guymon-science and band; Alyssa Hess-chorus; Kody Holmes-science and language arts; Erin Hurst-food and nutrition; Bowdie Jacobson-science; Makayla Jensen-computer; Kayce Jones-Spanish;
Band students receiving recognition included: Daryl Guymon, Kaili Merrell and Cassidy Heaps.
Nick Oviatt-geography; Tandi Olsen-most improved; Colton Pierce-most improved language arts; Layne Taylor computer tech; Maricela Villa-teen living; Dylan Hotchkiss-art, Kaitlyn Watkins, art.
The athletic awards went to Ashton Dieli and to Erin Hurst.
The four honor students Simone Burton, Daryl Guymon, Ty Mecham and Tarryn Parkins received a trophy and cash award.
Simone Burton gave her honor address and thanked the teachers for all their hard work. She thanked Roma Brotherson for being so nice and knowing all the kids, and to Mr. Jones for being a top principal at running the school and knowing how to have fun and get things done. Thanks to all the students who have learned to help each other along. Burton said they may not have always shown their appreciation, but they do appreciate all the teachers and parents have done for them.
Daryl Guymon, honor student, cautioned the students not to measure their success against others. He went over all the tools that the students have in their tool boxes to succeed. Sometimes the teachers have needed a sledgehammer to pound information into their heads. Sometimes students have needed a level to balance school and sports. They have needed a trowel to smooth out the highs and lows of junior high. “Each of us experience bumps. Sometimes we fail at our first attempt at learning, but we learn more from our failures than our successes.”
They have learned to weld and with more practice they got the hang of it. Guymon said his experience at Canyon View has been a positive one. “Thanks to all the students and teachers. I’m grateful for the tools I’ve learned to make a successful life so far. We will use these tools as we move into high school,” said Guymon.
The ninth grade class members under the direction of David Bird and accompanied by Marilee Cox sang, “Leave you with a smile.”
Ty Mecham, honor student said they worked hard as a team to break a losing streak the football team was on. They beat Mont Harmon, “If you set your mind to something, you can achieve. You can change the whole course of your life. Nothing great was ever achieved without hard work.”
Mecham told of a wrestling tournament where he never gave up and had to wrestle the same kid three times. But, was able to win a third match against him because he didn’t give up even though he didn’t have much energy left. “No matter how long the night dawn always comes,” said Mecham, “Try one more time, some people don’t know how close they are to winning when they give up.”
Tarryn Parkins started her talk with a joke. Did you hear the joke about the pizza? It was pretty cheesy.
She talked about high expectations. Some people say setting goals too high is a bad thing. But, she encouraged the students to set goals high and if they fall then get up and brush yourself off and start again. Never lower your expectations. You can do the impossible. “Celebrate how far you’ve come, as students at the junior high, we made easy happen. Have a great summer,” said Parkins.
Jaymin Bertuzzi and Makayla Jensen, class officers, thanked everyone for coming to the program. A slide show was presented that was prepared by the yearbook staff. Mrs. Durrant made a copy of the slide show for each of the students.
Refreshments were served for family and friends. The junior high students ended the evening with a dance.

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