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Letter to the Editor: Imagine

By Lou Sansevero Ferron Utah

Imagine an America where the Constitution is considered out of date.
Imagine an America where Americans live under the dictatorship of the judiciary.
Imagine an America where the Constitution is amended by 8 “justices” through “interpretation” rather than by Article V as required by the Constitution.
Imagine an America where citizens need a permit to exercise constitutionally guaranteed rights.
Imagine an America where the words “Shall not be infringed” are not understood.
Imagine an America where the government’s goal is to disarm law abiding American citizens while arming Mexican drug dealers and Islamist rebels.
Imagine an America where free speech only extends to agree with the ruling regime.
Imagine an America where your vote doesn’t count.
Imagine an America where you have to show a photo I.D. to cash a check, buy liquor, board an airplane, buy cigarettes, collect welfare or buy a firearm but having to show a photo I.D. to vote is considered racist and unconstitutional.
Imagine an America where one activist judge can override the votes of tens of millions voters.
Imagine an America where politicians can buy the votes of millions of voters with welfare money, food stamps and free cell phones.
Imagine an America where the government is paralyzed by partisan politics.
Imagine an America where one congressman can block nearly 400 bills from being debated and voted on for purely partisan reasons.
Imagine an America where a person is elected to office on the basis of their race, sex, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs rather than the content of their character or ability.
Imagine an America where one of the President’s mentors and closest advisors is a ’60s communist radical.
Imagine an America where the President believes all the evil in the world is caused by America.
Imagine an America where the President’s foreign policy is appeasement based.
Imagine an America where the President doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism.
Imagine an America where the President doesn’t govern by the consent of the governed but rules by executive order.
Imagine an America where “checks and balances” in the federal government doesn’t exist.
Imagine an America where the separation of powers doesn’t exist.
Imagine an America where the President can outlaw needed resource development with a stroke of a pen.
Imagine an America where fantasy pseudo technologies displace proven energy production technologies.
Imagine an America where Democracy devolves into Kleptocracy.
Imagine an America where a President’s response to crisis is to blame his predecessor, go on vacation, and raise funds for his political party.
Imagine an America where a President plays golf while thousands of Christians are beheaded and buried alive by Islamists.
Imagine an America where a President and his family spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars on lavish vacations.
Imagine an America where a President engineers its decline.
Imagine an America where the only success in a President’s term in office is the successful management of the decline of America’s moral fiber, economy and military strength.
Imagine an America in economic chaos.
Imagine an America where the government spends $1.40 for every $1 it earns in tax revenues.
Imagine an America where industry is ridiculed and indolence is praised.
Imagine an America where the most productive citizens are penalized while the least productive residents are rewarded.
Imagine an America where 47 percent of adults don’t pay any income taxes.
Imagine an America where 49.2 percent of Americans receive benefits from one or more government “entitlement” programs.
Imagine an America where approximately 39 percent of families receive “entitlements” under “means tested” poverty programs.
Imagine an America where 52 percent of households with children headed by legal immigrants used at least one welfare program.
Imagine an America where 71 percent of illegal immigrant households with children use at least one welfare program.
Imagine an America where it takes legal immigrants that follow our immigration laws years to immigrate while criminals that violate our immigration laws jump to the front of the line.
Imagine an America where you are asked to “push 1 for English”.
Imagine an America where God is banned from schools but immoral behavior is taught as normal.
Imagine an America where displaying a crucifix in a jar of urine is protected free speech while displaying the Ten Commandments violates the Constitution.
Imagine an America where overall out-of-wedlock birth rate is approximately 39 percent.
Imagine an America where desecrating an American flag is protected free speech and displaying an American flag is considered offensive to certain immigrant groups. Well you don’t have to imagine any more, this is the state of America today thanks to the liberal left.

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