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Chukar Numbers Up from Last Year

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Hunt starts Sept. 27
The number of chukar partridge in Utah keeps climbing.
Biologists with the Division of Wildlife Resources recently flew two chukar helicopter surveys, one over western Box Elder County and one over central Tooele County.
The combined 15-year average for the two surveys is 28 chukars per square mile. During the latest survey, biologists spotted an average of 39 chukars per square mile.
Jason Robinson, upland game coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources, says chukar populations typically experience some minor ups and downs. Then, sometime during that up-and-down cycle, a year comes along when the number of chukars skyrockets. “2006 was the last time that happened in Utah,” Robinson says. “That year, we spotted nearly 100 chukars per square mile.”
While 39 chukars is a long way from what biologists spotted in 2006, it’s
still 11 chukars per square mile above the 15-year average. And it’s
higher than last year. “I’m excited,” Robinson says. “I think we’ll have
a better than average chukar hunt this year.”
Robinson also has some encouraging news about gray partridge. Also known
as Hungarian partridge, gray partridge are found mostly on or near
agricultural land in Box Elder County.
“The year 2013 was a rough one for gray partridge,” he says, “but they’ve
rebounded well. The number of gray partridge is the best it’s been in Utah
in several years.”
Those 17 years of age and younger can hunt chukar and gray partridge Sept. 20 ” 22, during Utah’s annual youth partridge hunt. After Sept. 22, the hunts will close until Sept. 27 when Utah’s general partridge hunt, for
hunters of all ages, opens up.
Robinson says the right amount of rain fell at the right time in chukar habitat this year. Hot, dry weather greeted newly hatched chicks in June.
The weather allowed the chicks to grow in size before rain fell in July. Plenty of rain in late July provided plenty of vegetation and insects for the chicks to eat.
“The average lifespan of a chukar is only two years,” Robinson says, “so the number of chicks that make it through the summer goes a long way in
determining how many chukars will be available in the fall.”
Finding chukars is the first step to bagging some birds. Robinson provides
the following tips:
See the distribution map on page 35 of the 2014 ” 2015 Utah Upland
Game and Turkey Guidebook. The map will show you where chukar habitat is
found in Utah. The free guidebook is available at
Robinson says Tooele, Juab and Millard counties have the highest concentration of birds in the state. “The state’s best chukar habitat is found in the rocky, desert areas west of Interstate 15,” he says.
Other areas in Utah do hold plenty of birds, though. Robinson says the
Book Cliffs in eastern Utah, and rocky river corridors in southern Utah, are some of the best. “And every year, hunters do take birds in the rocky foothills along the Wasatch Front,” he says.
After arriving in an area that might have chukars in it, focus
your efforts on steep, rocky slopes that have cheatgrass, bunch grass or
sagebrush on them. These rugged, cheatgrass-covered slopes provide ideal
habitat for the birds.
Because chukars are very vocal, early morning is the perfect time
to hunt them. “The birds feed mostly in the early morning,” Robinson says.
“If you listen closely, they’ll often tip you off to their location.”
Robinson says chukars live in coveys that typically number between five to
30 birds. “When the covey is feeding,” he says, “it always posts a sentry. The sentry sits on a rock that provides it with a good view of the
surrounding area. If the bird sees you, it will call out to alert the other birds. There’s a flip side to that, though: the sentry’s calling
will alert you that a covey of chukars is in the area.”
Finding a water source is a good idea early in the season. “As the season progresses,” Robinson says, “water becomes less important to chukars. Hunting near a water source isn’t as important later in the
When winter arrives, hunt slopes that face south. “The sun beats on these south-facing slopes in the winter,” he says. “That warms the rocks, melts the snow and attracts the chukars.”
After finding some birds, remember that chukars almost always run uphill to
escape danger. “You can’t outrun them,” Robinson says, “so don’t try to
chase the birds up the slope.”
Instead, try to cut off the birds’ escape route by circling around the
birds and getting above them. Then, hunt down the slope towards them. “If
you get above the birds,” he says, “they’ll usually stay where they are
until you get close enough to shoot at them.”
When chukars flush, they almost always fly straight out from the slope
before hooking to the left or the right. “Get your shots off while the
birds are still in range,” he says.
After hooking to the left or right, any bird that isn’t bagged will
typically fly into a group of rocks, into sagebrush or into bunch grasses.
If you watch where the birds land, you’ll often have a chance for another
Robinson says dogs aren’t needed to hunt chukars. “But having a dog is very helpful,” he says, “both in finding birds and retrieving the birds you hit.”
Because of the steep, rough areas where chukars live, it’s important to be in good physical shape. When you go afield, make sure you wear sturdy boots that provide your ankles with plenty of support.
“It’s also important to carry plenty of water,” Robinson says, “especially during the early part of the season.”

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