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Part II: Lt. Col. Dave Grossman addressing violence in America


The number of Federal Marshals murdered in the line of duty is coming down due to increased training, medical advances and body armor. In 2009 there were 57 cops killed, in 2010, there were 77, and in 2011 there were 86 cops killed. Cop murders are up 20 percent.
Federal Marshals being killed is at an all time record high. The marshals transformed their training and their helmets and armor. They were waiting for the felon to leave the house, now they go in at 4 a.m. It’s the best time to arrest them. They go in and wake them up and arrest them. They’ve been up all night drinking and playing video games and at 4 a.m. they’re vulnerable.
“We are trying to hold together the tattered fabric of a civilization. Never doubt it will get worse. We are on the front lines of war and you’re the defense,” said Grossman.
Grossman predicted there will be more terrorist threats. Based on past behavior of terrorists, he believes things will get ugly when American troops leave Afghanistan. Pakistan is also not our friend, nor North Korea. If America is attacked with a nuclear bomb, it will be on the west coast, creating a radioactive title wave. He said if this happens, hunker down for at least 48 hours. Ninety-eight percent of the radiation will pass over in 48 hours. How can we stop them? How do we stop threats like ebola? The sick terrorists can come in and have sex with as many prostitutes as possible and spread disease.
When an Israeli school was taken over by terrorists, 26 students were killed. Since then, every school in Israel is an armed fortress. Suicide bombers are using chemical warfare. Even Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons.
There are terrorist attacks all over the world. In Malaysia, school girls were beheaded. In Thailand the schools have been shut down. In Pakistan, 140 were wounded in a school. In Afghanistan in 2009 there were 600 attacks. There was a mall massacre in Kenya, school children in Nigeria were taken hostage after all adults in the school were murdered. They focus on schools because if they hurt your kids, they hurt you. They are mad and they’re going to hunt us down.
On Sept. 1, 2004, terrorists seized a school in Beslan, Russia, they took 1,100 hostages and of those 777 were children. Three-hundred eighty-five people died. They forced the hostages into a small gym and didn’t give them any food or water. On the third day explosions caused a fire in the gym and many hostages died in the fire, and some were caught in the crossfire between militants and the police as they tried to escape the burning gym. The plan could have been stopped in the first five minutes if there was opposition. Grossman said fire is a tool of the terrorist.
They started a casino fire in Mexico and the cartel shut off the sprinkling system to the building.
On September 11, 2001 the airports were shut down. They want to destroy our way of life.
I met a Green Beret on his way to Afghanistan. He told me, ‘Tell all those cops you teach, don’t let them kill our kids.’ It’s a military war this time being fought with all volunteers. The last time we had an all volunteer army was the Revolutionary War. These kids are true patriots. They established the first Arab democracy. Churchill said democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the rest. Democracy thrives except in the Arab world, Morocco, Egypt, Iraq.
Why is there no Arab democracy? They want to create democracy. Millions of Iraqis risked their lives to go and vote. Arabs will vote, they want to vote. How many Americans would risk their lives to go vote? The American government has worked to bring democracy to them.
Grossman talked of 911 and how some people say there was no warning. He showed a police officer on the screen helping a pregnant lady out of the building to safety. He then went back into the building. On that awful morning did those police officers know what they would have to do that day. Other terrorist attacks came before, the World Trade Center first attack the bombing of the parking garage in 1993 and resulting in six deaths; we had school shootings, we had warning. There are things we could and should be doing. If we’re still in denial, then all those lives were lost for nothing. Make a vow. No more denial. Some people will say we need mega bucks to stop the problem. No we don’t, the problem is denial. I teach companies, if you’re not prepared for violence then you’re negligent. Prepare for violence. The gift of fear. Fear is good, fear means survival. Denial will get us killed. A surveillance camera never stopped murder, a camera won’t make you safe. Unarmed security guards can’t keep you safe. That’s delusional. If they can’t get in the door, if they can’t shoot the windows of the school out, if they can’t get in. Tip lines have stopped more mass murder. Go to www.wetip.com Watch for external threats, unusual behavior, deter and detect. Delay how can we slow this guy down. The bad guy won’t stop until the good guy shows up. We need someone onsite that can kill him. Odds are if there’s someone on site with a gun that can kill him, he won’t kill at all.
There should be a single point of entry in a school. Keep all doors locked. In Canada a man hides in a bathroom and when a little girl goes into the bathroom he rapes the little girl. He pinned her down, a teacher heard her cries and investigated. He entered through an unlocked door. Keep the doors locked.
Cops in uniform should walk around and check the doors. If you find an unlocked door at your school. Send them a registered letter that they will be sued, keep the doors locked. Get involved. Get involved with the school board and their elections. Elect people who will keep your kids safe.
Individual class rooms must be secured fast. At Sandy Hook the only way to lock the classroom door was from the hallway where teachers exposed themselves to the danger. There was no film on the windows. There are two families at Sandy Hook that won’t take the settlement money. They won’t settle out of court. They want to get it in the news that there was negligence. Shut the door and keep it locked all the time, that costs no money.
You need to have drills in your school. Teach the children to run and hide and fight. If you’re in a safe place then stay there. Don’t leave the classroom. If it’s not safe, then get out of there.
Have a plan. In one kindergarten, the teacher said she would break the window and put the kids out the window. Have a plan. Don’t go outside unless you have to. Teach the kids to fight. This won’t make them scared, it empowers them. They are taught about stranger danger and to make a lot of noise. Preparation reduces stress and anxiety in these situations.
At Sandy Hook four little boys ran out of the classroom. One of those little boys died, the one that told the other boys, let’s get out of here, but he saved those other three boys. The other little kids sat and waited for their turn to die. Don’t do that, if you don’t teach them what to do they will do nothing. Teach them to throw books, throw chairs at the bad man.
I have been teaching my grandchildren about the bad man. I told them to throw books, do whatever it takes to get out of there. Take action. Teach them to be safe. Defend yourself. Defeat. If you’re an off duty police officer, pack your weapon with you every day. Less than one-fourth of officers do that. Congress passed a law that all off duty police officers can carry a concealed weapon in all 50 states.
One or two people in the first five minutes is more effective than a thousand officers three hours later. Carry off duty and have the right equipment. Have a rifle and unpenetrable body armor. You can get free rifles from the military. If you hear people say, “It’ll never happen here, those are bad words.
Violence kills more than fires. Plan to deter, detect and delay. Have a plan, “Here’s what we’ll do if they come to our town. Also have a go bag. A bag full of extra ammunition. Take it with you everywhere. Also have a tourniquet in the go bag. Carry them with you everywhere, they’re a great piece of equipment. If you put a tourniquet on someone then mark a TQ on their forehead.
A medivac helicopter is a great resource. If there are bad guys on the roof, the medivac helicopter can take a cop up to pick the bad guys off the roof. They can pick up more supplies and drop them on the roof. Corporate helicopters can be enlisted. One or two people on the roof (immediately) are better than 1,000 people two hours later. Have smoke grenades for concealment. Keep these in the trunks of the patrol cars. Use the fire trucks. A firehose can knock a man out of the way so you can get to a hostage.
In Beslan, the bad guys started the gym on fire. A thousand people in a burning gym. The fire guys some of them wouldn’t go in. The parents took the fire trucks and drove to the gym. The fire trucks tanks were empty.
Grossman trained firemen in Long Beach, he taught them, bad guys use fire.
Russia has one of the lowest gun ownerships and the highest murder rate. They find other ways to kill people and fire is one of them.
He told of a hostage situation where the police had been trained to use fire hoses and they blew the guy outside of his trailer house with a fire hose and the hostage was rescued and no one died. “Use it as a weapon a resource. Have your head and mind ready. You are the Delta force.
Why didn’t the cops go in the first five minutes in Russia? It wasn’t their job, they didn’t have the training, they waited for the military teams. It took too much time for the elite forces to get there.
On the island in Norway, 69 people died from a solo gunman. They have the most strict gun laws. It was an hour and a half before the feds could get there.
The exception is Israel and America. You are the Delta force You have a mission, you are expected to go in and be ready.
No one in France is screaming right now because the police look like military. We are at war. You are the troops in this war.
Unless you’re a Navy Seal, you won’t get enough shot time training. Train on your own. Reinforce survival skills. Do martial arts. Get physically fit, go to the gym. Do cardio.
Do we have anything to learn from World War I and World War II? They knew something that we forget. You can grow old and fat, but you can still shoot. Marksmanship.
We are at war. Be our warriors. Intensely invested in a cause or purpose. Investing in protecting our children and communities.
Why do we wear a badge? A badge, a star is in reference to the knights of old. They would don their armor and shield. They upheld justice and did good deeds.
This is a dark and desperate hour. We need protectors, we need single minded devotion as we prepare for battle. The word police means man of the city.
Grossman said the assault rate has been coming down. Why is crime down. Medication. Thirty million people are on anti-depressants. Two of 19 mass murderers were prescribed anti-depressants. They had to come off their medicine to do the crimes.
There used to be a lot of car hijacking. Now with auto door locks, car jacking has been all but eliminated. Don’t be a victim. Follow the facts in 42 states you can have a concealed carry permit. Since this happened, crime has gone down. It works. People are arming themselves. They are learning how to shoot and are stocking up on ammo. That is the X-factor. They are cooking the books on crime statistics. It’s a total lie. They have changed aggravated assault to simple assault. There are a lot of people lying about crime rates. We need to keep violent people off the streets. Every year for the last 40 years the incarceration rate has increased. There are 2.5 million behind bars. Think what would happen if we had one day without justice. Think of what would happen. It would be chaos. A break down of civilization that we could never be put back. We need justice. If you feel like we’re spinning our wheels, think of what one day without justice would be like. I retired 18 years ago and since then I’ve been on the road for 18 years. I stop by home and pick up clean underwear and then back out on the road. There’s an urgency, the stock market crash and housing crash, children committing crimes and Mexico is coming unglued. The terrorists want to destroy us. There’s a sense of urgency. We need to give 100 percent. In 1812, they burned Washington DC, we had World War I and World War II, now is our time to sacrifice.
Hit the gym, share in this sense of urgency. When you pick up the phone and call 911, a cop will show up to fight and even die for you. Thank you. Thank you for keeping violent people off the street. It’s a better place because we keep these people off the street. Thank you for going into harm’s way. Believe in who you are and take violent men off the street. Make the world a better place. Put the cuffs on violent offenders. Take a look at your citizens you made the world a better place even if no one else realizes it.
Survey’s say crime is up and you need to build more prisons. People go in and people come out. We need to get to the source of the infection. Serious crime is up. Interpol keeps statistics on crime. Some countries have stopped reporting data because it keeps going up and up and they don’t want others to know how dangerous it is.
In July of 2000, the medical community testified there’s a new factor. After 30 years of research media violence and video games produce sick kids. You can never build enough prisons.
Turn off the TV for 10 days. Brain scan studies reveal that to the brain, these violent movies and games are real. When you detox the kids and turn off the TV for the first two days it’s a nightmare. Ask anyone who runs a church camp, or boy scout camp.
After 10 days of detox, violence is down and bullying is down. Turn the TV off and obesity goes down. Kids are sitting on their tails. On average they spend 50-60 hours a week in front of the tube, (TV, computers, phones. etc.) Kids are sleep deprived. They are suicidal.
When kids come back from summer break if the kid is suntanned and healthy they will have less problems. The kid who is pale and sickly and spent the summer holed up with video games, those are the ones you have to worry about. When parks in a town are empty and no kids are out playing, then that is a sick city. Thousands of kids should be out playing, pull the plug. Test scores go up if kids are unplugged.
After Normandy in WWII, they studied the men. After 60 days continuous duty, 98 percent felt like they were crazy. Between 50-80 cops are killed on duty/year and between 200-450 cops commit suicide each year, not counting those who have already quit the police force. But only the military keeps data on suicides. Across the whole of society, suicides are way up. Sleep deprivation is a major cause. POINT: The weak link is the mind. Most people in our society are non-violent (sheep). Others are wolves. If you are legally allowed to use your proper tools (gun) and you go out the door without them, baaa!
Power plants are hard targets. They will be attacked sometime. Do the things you can legally and morally do to prevent attacks.
Sheep dogs protect the flock from the wolves. Only a predator can hunt a predator. Only a killer can hunt a killer.
Will you emotionally, physically and mentally be prepared to snuff out a human life in defense of others’ lives?
If you can’t answer that question, you should not be carrying a gun. Sheep don’t like having a predator around until the wolves show up. After Rodney King and pre-911, we were needing so many police that they allowed felons to qualify as cops. Nobody wanted to be a cop. Post 911 everything changed. 1. You will see a lot more cameras and these will help the cops. 2. Easier requirements to use tazers. The wolf is at the door. Denial turns us into sheep. Violence without empathy is a sociopath, psychopath. What if you have a capacity for violence and desire to use it righteously, you have a cop (a sheep dog). Sheepdogs are bulletproof. Resiliency is the buzzword for people who do not get PTSD. This means their mind is not affected by an incident. They get on with life. What makes it possible? If this act renewed our faith that you are doing the right thing. 1. Motivation: The sheep are always trying to pull you down. Our children are great motivators. Who would not take a bullet for their kids? 2. Motivation turned into action. Preparation is the opposite of denial. The more you prepare the less you will be psychologically shattered. There are scary things in the night, it’s us.
You have the skills and equipment. Sheep come up with weird scenarios to prove there is nothing they can do, so they do nothing. The sheep dog is just the opposite. Even if that weird scenario happens, you don’t get PTSD. Preparation saves you because you have the tools and the skills but even if you fail, you can live with it because you did everything you could. Internal focus of control. Identify what you can’t control and turn that over to a higher power. Identify what you can control and do it.
There is only one thing in the universe that you control, yourself. A sheep, when they heard about 911, said, “Thank God I wasn’t on that plane.”
A sheep dog says “I wish I could have been on that plane, I might have been able to do something.” More people are murdered in houses of worship than in schools. One of the most dangerous times of the week. So do carry a gun in your house of worship. Identify the worst thing that can happen and prepare for it.
Get knee deep in school board politics. Keep our kids safe. The wolves live to destroy, and use lambs as human shields. The sheep dogs live to protect, they are the human shield for the lambs. Sheep dogs believe in the redeeming power of love.
They have a positive self-fulfilling prophecy. Hollywood loves the pity party (poor guy, home from the war, divorced, alone ….) What doesn’t kill you is a good book. It talks about post traumatic growth. Example of bad media release: What was said: Over 100 veterans come home and commit murder. Actually their rate of murder is much lower statistically than regular population.
It’s all politics. What ratio of veterans have PTSD? Veterans Administration says 8 percent. When they first returned from the Gulf War, VA said 30-40 percent had some symptoms of PTSD. It is normal. Not total PTSD. Media took out “some” and “symptoms” so it said 30-40 percent have PTSD. The vast majority of veterans need jobs. A few need help, and they get it. Veterans are better prepared for a gunfight if they have already been in one. Don’t be a macho man, get help if you need it. You must believe that they can help you. Most mental disorders can be treated. PTSD can be treated, and the person can fully recover. It will make you stronger. But don’t look for problems if you don’t have them. Have your body ready for the moment of truth. Be physically fit. Do not be sleep deprived. This is the best way to improve resiliency. For thousands of years we slept when it was dark, then they invented electricity and we got a lot less sleep. Manage your sleep. In the military sleep deprivation is the major predicator of suicide. Video games are responsible for 15 percent of sleep deprivation in America. It interferes with your job, family, and life. Video games give an illusion of control. They are so addictive. Military and major sports league are establishing curfews. Twenty-four hours without sleep is the equivalent of being drunk. Sleep 101, take 30-minute or more naps. Hitting the snooze every 10 minutes is a waste. Just sleep half an hour longer. Set the alarm so it gets progressively louder. Get up and turn it off. Good reference: Sciencedaily.com Light coming in under the door deprives you of your melatonin. Use the sleep mask. Extra sleep on weekends can charge your batteries. Nicotine is of zero value to stay awake. Caffeine is valuable if you use it responsibly. Go cold turkey for one day. If you get any withdrawal symptoms it proves you have built up a tolerance for the drug. Cut off your caffeine after lunch. There’s nothing in soda or energy drinks that’s good for you. Caffeine has a half life five hours later. Too much caffeine can interfere with quality sleep. You need quality deep sleep. Your body can’t get the deep sleep it needs with caffeine in your body. Sleep deprivation makes us fat. We eat stupid stuff because we’re up longer. Sleep deprivation takes years off your life. Sleep prepares you for a long day. The hardest time of the day is the second hour after lunch.
He said when you’re in stress the only color you can see is red.
Grossman told of a free app which 100 schools in eight states are now using. Should a 911 call originate from one of these schools, then every cop within a five mile radius will be notified so they can respond. He has

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