Castle Dale City opened the year with their January meeting. Mayor Danny Van Wagoner conducted the meeting. Karon Williams spoke to the council. She said, “The sidewalk in front of my house is in bad shape. Kids catch the bus there and use the sidewalk a lot. It is uneven and buckled. Last week a boy was injured because of a fall on the sidewalk. It is finished across the street and down to my house, but not in front.
“The house next to my son’s house is in really bad shape. There are mattresses and junk in the yard. The windows are broken out and there are lots of mice in the house and on the property. I am worried about my grandchildren’s health,” said Williams.
Mayor Van Wagoner said it is one of the houses on their list to work on.
Giles said, “The sidewalk is on our list of sidewalks to repair, and we are gradually moving around the city working on them.”
Mayor Van Wagoner said, “Margaret Fielding has been appointed to promote economic development for the city. Dixie has been released. Brad Giles and I will work on this with Margaret.”
Fielding said, “In our meetings of the council, some cities seem to be moving forward despite the economy because of plans they put in place years ago. I have invited Commissioner Migliori to the next city council meeting to describe what the county is doing to help the cities.”
The Enterprise and Recycling Zone for Castle Dale City has expired and needs to be renewed. Councilman Giles and Mayor Van Wagoner plan to do this. They will include the entire city in the Enterprise Zone. There is a proposed plan for monthly summer outdoor youth events at the aquatics center. The city could sell tickets to generate revenue. The county would allow the city to use the aquatic center park.
The ECCDC wants to encourage Cottage Industries. There is a broad range of businesses that could be encouraged, and there is room for growth. We could put in info-paragraphs in the city newsletters. We want to help citizens know what resources are available to help them develop their businesses.
BEAR is the Business Expansion and Retention program in place, and the cities in the county are working together more to promote businesses.
We are not recommending aggressively pursuing business licensing at this time.
Doug Weaver moved to adopt the Nepotism Policy Statement prepared by Jackie Collard. The April City Council meeting date was changed to April 7, because of the ULCT conference.
Mayor Van Wagoner wants the council to review the snow removal policy and give him their suggestion and ideas for the next two weeks, and address this next month.
The council approved the paid holidays schedule and the city council meeting schedule for 2015.
Kerry Lake from the Land Use Committee said, “We worked on the General Plan in our last meeting. We have a large committee of citizens, and it will be a good thing. I have new information on the Land Swap with the BLM. Connie from the BLM said the proposed area north of Hwy 29 was originally designated for a swap with Emery County for a road shop. If we want the area for recreational or public purpose, it would be an easy switch. If it is for another reason, it would be a longer process.”
Doug Moreno spoke about Code Enforcement “I have noticed most violations correct themselves, especially when the property owner notices my interest. Concerning the property on 100 North. The owner has a relative in Huntington. I believe it is a daughter, and I am trying to contact her. I want to put No Trespassing Signs on the property, and close the windows.”
Mayor Van Wagoner instructed Moreno to get with the fire chief, and work with him. The fire department can do some enforcement with hazardous areas. Councilmember Giles suggested they might also contact the health department, and see if they can do anything.
In the council reports Councilmember Dorsch said the Castle Dale City Celebration is on June 10 this year with the BBQ for a Buck. There will be children’s games and the fire truck ride on June 13.
Council member Giles said the advantages for economic development in our city are the fiber optic internet lines that will soon be installed. We are a tourist destination with the bouldering, the desert, mountain biking, and the indoor arena. We also have good baseball fields. We are meeting tomorrow on going forward on funding with the CIB for the new city hall.
Council member Julie Johansen said the city could move the downtown ballparks to the bench, and use that area for overnight trailer parking and stalls for the indoor arena. Most of the users would have sleeping accommodations in their horse trailers. We need to make it clear that we are not paying for the new city building by ourselves. The other entities are paying most of the cost, even if we are the landlord.
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