The Emery County Board of Commissioners met for their February meeting. Commissioners include Keith Brady, Paul Cowley and Ethan Migliori. Before commission meeting the building authority meeting was held. Cowley is the chairman for this board. Wade Nielsen from the road department approached the board on some improvements to be made to the road shop in Green River. An addition will be added so the snowplow can be stored in there. The road shop will also need additional storage space to keep equipment out of the sun and stored properly including left over crack/seal products and seasonal equipment. The county will proceed with the engineering for this project with Johansen and Tuttle.
The commission presented the employee of the month award to Clinton Olsen. The board ratified a letter of support to the Prison Relocation Committee to consider the Emery County region for re-location of a new state prison. Commissioner Migliori explained a committee met and gathered input and put together an application to send to the prison relocation committee to consider this area for the possible relocation. This letter of support was included with the application. Commissioner Migliori said a project of this type would help diversify the local economy and there is plenty of open land in the area. The prison committee was invited to come and tour the local area.
County Treasurer Steve Barton wondered if there would be public input. There would be hearings if the project moves along. Commissioner Brady said it was a “long shot” but worth the effort to try. Along the Wasatch Front, it wasn’t that they are opposed to the prison per se, but the use of the available land for a prison when land is a premium along the Wasatch Front. Commissioner Migliori said those he has talked to voiced support of the project.
Commissioner Cowley was appointed to the Museum of the San Rafael Board of Directors. Carl A. Jacobson, Ann Marie Anderson, Bart Cox, and Gary Arrington were appointed to the Planning Commission. Jeffrey N. Tuttle was appointed to the Castle Valley Special Service District Administrative Control Board.
Commissioner Brady was appointed to the Board of the Six County Infrastructure Coalition. Marie Johnson was appointed to the Emery County Council on Aging and Nutrition.
The board approved the use of the legal services of Arnold & Crook Law Offices for review of the Emery County Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual. Mary Huntington, personnel director said the policy was last reviewed in 2009. The law office will give a detailed recommendation and present a report to Huntington and the commissioners as well as county attorney Mike Olsen.
The commission approved the Law Enforcement 2015 Annual Operating and Financial Plan between Emery County and the forest service. The sheriff’s office was able to negotiate an hourly rate of $36.50. This includes all patrolling and response to the forest and extra patrols on holiday weekends not to exceed $7,500.
The board approved the Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification, this is for the sharing with the federal government of any seized property. Sheriff Funk reported there wasn’t any seized property last year, but the agreement must be signed each year.
The Zoning Ordinance of Emery County was amended for signage and solar fields and items previously not covered in the plan. The board approved the annual EEO report.
Ross Huntington from the Emery County Care and Rehab was present to ask for upper payment limit assistance. Huntington explained this is administered by the state department of health and provides financial subsidy for non-state owned facilities. Emery County Care and Rehab qualifies for this subsidy. This subsidy requires a sponsoring entity so Huntington asked Emery County to sponsor them. They will put up $36,986.81 and receive back $110,000. After they receive their subsidy they will pay the county back the seed money.
Commissioner Cowley explained the electrical problems they have been having in the clerk/auditors office. An electrician checked out the problem and said an outlet was burned. The office needs to be rewired to accommodate all the electrical equipment that is used in offices now as compared to when the court house was constructed. It was discussed if the other offices should be evaluated. Commissioner Migliori suggested putting out a Request for Proposals for the evaluation of the clerk/auditors office and for recommendations and solutions to the problem.
Bernice Payne asked for approval of a grant application from archives and libraries from Story Corps to obtain personal histories of veterans. She said she will apply for the grant. She said only 10 grants are given nationwide and would be for $2,500 if awarded.
In the commission reports Commissioner Cowley said he attended the museum board meeting and they are working to bring activities and interest to the museum. They have a kids corner and will work to bring more family centered events to the museum. They recently hosted the mammoth exhibit open house.
Commissioner Brady attended the catastrophic fire meeting which is part of the forest service. They are identifying areas where fire danger is high and they will do mitigation in these areas including logging and controlled burns.
The Four Corners has a program where they test local businesses to make sure they aren’t selling alcohol and tobacco to underage people and all businesses in the area are in compliance. The Aquatic Center has a facebook page now to advertise events at the pool. In Green River, six Russians came to town to look at the rural community and what they are doing to expand economic development and opportunities. They are interviewing people around town. The epicenter is involved and also the school children.
Commissioner Migliori reported the BLM is in the public comment period for the route designations on the San Rafael west desert south of I-70. The public is encouraged to give comment on routes in that area they would like to see left open and to make sure routes are on the map that you use.
He attended the Association of Governments meeting. He attended the COG meeting for all the mayors. They updated them on the prison letter of support and they talked of economic development in the communities and how the communities need to become more proactive in helping businesses.
He attended a meeting on how local businesses can become involved in government contracting and learning how to work with the government.
Commissioner Brady said the refinery project in Green River met with the Green River mayor and city council to keep them updated on that project. They plan to move on the project in March. The rail spur project will be first and employ 70-100 people. Green River needs to annex that property into the city and get an RDA in place. “We’re excited to see that happen. They are moving forward with the project. The second phase is the oil refinery and the third phase the refinery for the waxy crude. It will bring economic development to our area,” said Brady.
The board approved Randy Nielson’s appointment to the Emery County Fire Protection Special Service District representing Ferron City and Michael Taylor representing Cleveland Town.
The board approved LaMar Guymon to represent the travel bureau on the Trails Committee.
The board approved out-of-state travel for Tina Carter to attend a travel show in Colorado Springs, Colo. The board approved out-of-state travel for Kyle Ekker and Jeff Thomas for training in Las Vegas, Nev.
Jerimiah Rich was promoted from Correction Officer I to Correction Officer II for two consecutive years in the jail. Move from Grade 15 at $16.41 per hour to Grade 16 at $17.40 per hour.
Dixie Swasey was approved to be a volunteer in the Recorders Office. Alex Curtis was approved as a volunteer in the Archives.
Volunteers were approved for the Cleveland Library: Barbra Jones, Cassie Thatcher, Amanda O’Neil, Julie Bell, Tina Bradley, Julie Woodhouse, Jannetta young, Brooke Gross, Katie Sitterud, Jeremiah Jensen, Tom Holdaway, BreAnne Cowley and Kisty Ward. Orangeville Library: Gordon Larsen, Nicky Nielson,and Brandon Hoffman.
Wayde Nielsen has selected Earl Nelson as a part time Equipment Op I working 19.5 hoursper week. Not eligible for benefits. Wage $16.39
The board approved the request to start the recruitment process for a certified Patrol Deputy in Green River.
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