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Fundraiser held for Graycee Mae Jensen


"Graycee Mae Jensen has a nap at the fundraiser held for her to raise funds to help with medical expenses. She will have her first surgery as soon as she is big enough and will then need surgery every year as she grows. She has scoliosis and fused ribs which prevent her from growing correctly. She has been unable to hold her head straight throughout her life. Graycee's mom said, "She is the happiest most care free little girl. She loves animals, babies, other kids, and playing with her siblings. She is so strong and so loved by all those who know her.""

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A fundraiser was held Friday at Cleveland Elementary school for Graycee Mae Jensen.
She is the daughter of Marc and Adrian Jensen. Boyd Griffin called the bingo game with the help of Miss Emery Sydni Ekker. The event was well attended and attendees bid on silent auction items, played bingo and had dinner.
Graycee has a unique medical condition you can read more about it at www.grayceemae.blogspot.

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