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School board elects new member to represent Orangeville/Castle Dale


"Julie Wilson takes the oath of office for the Emery County School board."


The Emery County school board held a meeting on March 10 to select a new board member to replace Nanette Tanner who recently resigned. The applicants were asked questions by current board members Sam Singleton, Marie Johnson, Royd Hatt and Laurel Johansen.
The applicants were interviewed in alphabetical order. The interviews were open to the public and after their interview the applicant could stay in the meeting. The applicants were placed in a different room at the San Rafael Junior High and then called into their interview. Those applying for the open position to represent Orangeville and Castle Dale, south of Center Street were: Carol Cox, Jan Hanson, Pamela Howard, Carl Jacobsen, Tracey Johnson, Dennis Jones, Luann Koch, Drew Leroy and Julie Wilson.
After the interviews the board voted by secret ballot and Julie Wilson was selected to fill the vacancy. Board President Laurel Johansen said each of the nine candidates were very qualified and would make good board members, she encouraged them to run again in 2016 when the position becomes available.
Singleton asked the question of why the applicants wanted to be school board members; Johnson asked what the applicant would do when approached by disgruntled parents, teachers etc. on the street or by phone, how would they handle it? Hatt asked what are the responsibilities of a board member and Johansen asked what qualities does the applicant possess that would make them a good board member.
After the selection of the new member, Jared Black, the business administrator swore in Julie Wilson. Then the board meeting continued with the approval of the minutes from last month and the approval of Joni Edgehouse as an assistant softball coach.
The board reviewed the list of capital outlay projects from each of the schools. Superintendent Kirk Sitterud reminded everyone as they went through the list that none of the schools in the county are new anymore with most 40 years or older and aging. They will need to look at building replacements in the future. Most of the buildings are structurally sound. He said the maintenance staff does a good job with the buildings.
Black said some of the projects need to be evaluated more thoroughly. The board approved the capital outlay projects.
Superintendent Sitterud said each year the board needs to be trained on the school trust land update and review. It is required by law that the school boards understand the school trustlands. A significant amount of money comes into the district from the trustlands for each school. This is discretionary money that the school can use. Each school develops a trustland plan for the money and these plans are approved by the board each May. The board also approves the school improvement plans that each school has and adds to each year.
San Rafael Principal Doug Mecham gave the principal’s report. He said he is excited each year to brag on the staff and students at San Rafael Junior High. They are doing wonderful things at the school. The girls basketball team won the championship at the tournament and in league play; in volleyball they won the tournament and league play; the boys took second in football and second at the basketball tournament; there were two wrestling champions and several intramural championships. The intramural activities include the ninth grade students. They have played indoor soccer, basketball and will do speed stacking and other events. These events are held during the lunch hour.
Academically the students are excelling. Principal Mecham pointed out the art students’ projects in the library. Students have been on field trips and Gage Crawford is the school geobee winner. Andi Curtis took first at the school, first at the district bee and third at the regional spelling bee. The math team has participated in two on-line competitions. Students toured the Springville Art Museum and explored the art there exhibited by high school students. The Honor Society will participate in a service project.
Mecham said the students are able to perform and do amazing things because of the staff and teachers and their support and efforts beyond the classroom. “As educators, it’s exciting to watch the students learn and grow and also have a good time doing it. I’m excited to see the interest in the open school board position and the number of candidates for school board,” said Principal Mecham.
Luci Robinson the school counselor addressed the school board on what she’s been doing as the school counselor. She went over the plan for college and career readiness and what she’s been doing to prepare the students for life after school. She meets with the seventh graders in small groups to go over learning processes. The eighth grade students are met with individually with the student and their parent present to go over their school plan.
The ninth grade students participate in Reality Town and a meeting with them and their parents. She has had very good success getting the parents there to meet with the counselor and the student.
“I love working with the students, I love the school,” said Robinson. She told of the needs assessment project where more info is gathered on what the students need and want. They wanted more info on how to learn, good study habits and how to be successful.
Principal Mecham said of the ninth grade students 25 out of 95 participated in Utah High School Athletic Association sports with Emery High. Some played multiple sports. Introducing the intramural sports at the junior high has given the ninth grade students a chance to participate and be a part of the school.
President Johansen thanked Principal Mecham for his work at the school and asked that he express appreciation to his teachers and staff from the school board for all their hard work.
Superintendent Kirk Sitterud said he has received letters of retirement from Book Cliff Elementary Secretary Teri Parsons and Emery High English Teacher Wendy Whittle, they will retire at the end of the school year.
Superintendent Sitterud said the legislature is proposing a 4 percent increase in the weighted pupil unit. The governor wanted a 6.25 increase.
It will be finalized before the legislature adjourns. The legislature is still working through a number of bills and many relating to education. He said the local legislators are very supportive of education and he has met with them several times throughout the session.
On March 31 there will be a meeting at the Nebo School district to go over all of the legislation pertaining to schools which he plans to attend.

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