Emery City held their council meeting on March 11. The sealed bids for the backhoe were opened. The bids and the bidders initials was written on the board for viewing. Bids ranged from $2,601 to $5,560. The final bid opened states the bidder would pay $250 above the highest bidder, not to exceed $7,551. The bid would be $5,810. The council wondered the legality of the bid and wanted to consult with the city attorney on the matter. Councilwoman Corinne Dalton made a motion to accept the highest bid, if the $5,810 was legal or accept the second highest bid of $5,560 if the other bid was deemed not legal.
The council received one sealed bid for the cleaning of the recreation center. The bid was for $8 an hour. The council accepted the bid with a quarterly performance evaluation.
The city will hire a seasonal weed sprayer. Mayor Mistie Christiansen said two of the applicants are no longer interested in the position. Councilwoman Dalton and Councilman Varian Allen will contact the applicants for interviews and hire someone.
The auditors report went well with the exception of the city not having a nepotism policy on the books. The council voted to adopt resolution 2015-01 to rectify this matter.
The city received a request for a business license for Frontier Welding LLC. Dennis Stringham plans to open the business in Emery and build a shop in the near future. Frontier Welding will provide welding and fabrication services. The council unanimously approved the license.
Mayor Christiansen conducted the open and public meeting training in accordance with Utah Code 52-4.
The rest area in Emery needs more signs to direct people where to go. The council voted to use funds from the class B road fund to purchase the signs.
Mayor Christiansen gave the public lands update. Rep. Bishop’s public land legislation should be out by the end of the month. He is pushing to get something done by June before the Obama administration declares a monument. There needs to be another public meeting letting the public know what is going on with the bill. The BLM is willing to give Emery City a piece of property near Emery. It will be used for ATV training.
The forest service held a meeting in reference to the gates being closed.
The county is forming a branding committee. The purpose of this committee is to increase tourism to each town. Each town needs to come up with an idea that makes them unique. There should be a committee from every town to come up with creative ideas to promote tourism. Councilman Wiley Pope will attend the first meeting and look for other town residents to head this committee.
Councilman Patrick Sundstom reported on the fire department. The fire fighters will be attending numerous training sessions. The fire department will be getting a new truck. The city will need to decide what to do with the old one.
Councilwoman Dalton reported she has been going through pictures for the historical committee. The Easter egg hunt will be on April 4 at 8 a.m. Councilwoman Dalton requested $75 for the Easter egg hunt, which was approved. The shooting range has been doing well. There will be a three gun shoot in the middle of May.
Councilman Varian Allen reported the Castle Valley Special Service District held their elections. Everyone will stay in their respective positions. The CVSDD accepted bids for the chip and seal projects. They also updated and accepted the CIB list. An Emery resident reported a hole near First East and 300 South that has never been covered. Councilman Allen will let the CVSSD know.
Councilman Pope gave the LEPC and CERT update.
The next Emery Town Council meeting will be on April 8 at 7 p.m.
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