Press release: The Ferron/Price Ranger District is scheduling a prescribed burn in the Joe’s Valley area March 25 and 26, if weather is favorable. Crews will use a low-intensity ground fire to reduce ground fuels beneath ponderosa pines.
The Middle Mountain prescribed burn is located in the Lowry Water drainage adjacent to Joe’s Valley Reservoir in Emery County, 13 miles northwest of Orangeville, Utah. The project area is bordered by the Reeder Subdivision on the north, Sportsman’s Subdivision on the east, and surrounds the Swasey Subdivision.
The goal is to burn about 800 acres within the project area. The primary objectives of the burn are to restore winter and transition range for mule deer and Rocky Mountain elk, and traditional sage grouse habitat. The fire is intended to return low severity and low intensity ground fire to the ponderosa pine environment, which will decrease the probability of a catastrophic fire.
There have been multiple burn entries in this project area during the past seven years to restore fire to its natural role. Future plans include monitoring the area to evaluate if additional fire entries are needed to maintain forest health.
Smoke from the fire will be obvious in Joe’s Valley and may occasionally be visible from Orangeville and Castle Dale for up to two weeks. Only fire personnel will be allowed in the burn area. Fire personnel will be on scene one to two days during operations and will continue to monitor the burn for its duration.
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