The Emery High Drama Department has had another successful competition season. On March 25, 36 Emery High theatre students traveled to Moab for the Region 15 Drama Tournament. The Emery High team came back as Region Champions for the third year in a row. Emery scored 366 points to South Sevier’s 276 points and Grand County’s 182 points. Also competing were Wasatch Academy, San Juan, and North Sevier. Emery’s contest play took first place with all three judges giving it first place with straight superior ratings. Emery students scored three first places, two second places and two third places. Most important, every single student from Emery qualified for the state drama tournament.
The state tournament was also a huge success for the Spartans. The Emery team traveled to Richfield on April 10 and 11 where the students came away with a second Place in state finish. The Spartans lost to first place Manti by a score of 288 to 286. Emery’s play finished fourth.
Madelyn Carter and Mark DeBry placed first in state in classical scenes and Travis Fehlberg was second in Dramatic Reading. Finishing fourth were Devin Willson in Dramatic Readings, Abram Hadfield and Mikaela Jensen in Pantomime, and Taigon Pulli and Sara Hatch in Contemporary Scenes.
To follow up their showing at state, Emery then performed readings, scenes, pantomimes, and the play Skeeter Johnson, All-American Boy for the public for four nights, from April 13-16. These performances were held in the Spartan Center Little Theatre at 7 p.m. each night. Skeeter Johnson was the 177th production for the director Neal Peacock in his 32 years at Emery.
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