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Marine to face attempted murder charges


"Robert Matthew Barney"


An incident in Green River on April 27 has led to the arrest of a Marine stationed in Maryland. A man and woman were traveling through Green River on their way back to Colorado when an argument broke out between the two. The woman asked the man to leave the car to go and cool off. When the man returned he allegedly assaulted her.
The victim was able to draw attention to their vehicle and people came to her rescue. The man ran off into the desert and wasn’t located after an all night search. A 911 emergency notification call was also put out to the residents of Green River with a description of the missing man.
The next day the man returned to Green River where he was recognized and arrested. He came into the Green River Medical Center. He was not seeking medical attention. The medical center made the call to the sheriff’s office.
He is being held at the Emery County jail on attempted murder charges without bail. The incident is under investigation by the Emery County Sheriff’s Office. The woman involved in the incident is in good condition and has returned to her home in Colorado.
The pair were at a gas station in Green River at the time of the incident. The marine was on leave at the time of the assault. The pair had been on a road trip together and were returning to Colorado. The suspect is Robert Matthew Barney and is 22 years old.

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