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Joe’s Valley Marina
The marina and restaurant is now open Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Orangeville Library
Summer story time is on Thursdays, beginning June 4-July 9 at 10:30 a.m.
A Brush with Kindness
“Need help with exterior home repairs? Habitat for Humanity’s A Brush With Kindness program can provide the up-front money and expertise to improve the durability or accessibility of your home. Typical projects include: Exterior painting, Siding repairs, Roof repairs, Exterior ramps and stairs, and Landscaping. This is a loan program with no interest short term loans. To learn more and apply, contact the Project Manager for your area: Jack Forinash 180 S Broadway PO Box 444 Green River, UT 84525 (435) 564-3330 habitat@ruralandproud.org. To volunteer, donate materials, and learn more, go online to www.hfhcc.tumblr.com/abwk.”
Summer 4-H Community Activity Schedule
The 2015 4-H Summer Activity Schedule is out. Each elementary school has received copies of the schedule and is in their main office. If you do not have one, please go to the USU Extension Office at 75 East Main #114 and get a copy. Registration is due May 29 in our office. There are a lot of fun activities for your children ages 8-18 to participate in. If you would like other ideas, go to utah4h.org and click on the Discover 4-H link for additional club activities that you can do during the summer. Make sure you enroll in 4-H at ut.4honline.com to become a member. There are a lot of fun projects to choose from. Get involved in 4-H.
4-H County Fair Exhibit Rules: It’s not too early to prepare for the Emery County Fair. Dates for the fair are July 30-Aug. 1. 4-H Fair Exhibits will be accepted on July 28th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m at the Emery County Rec Building. Produce, flower arrangements and other fresh exhibits will be accepted on Wednesday, July 29 until 10:50 a.m. Judging will begin at 11 a.m. No 4-H exhibits will be accepted after that.
No school projects will be accepted as fair projects unless it is registered as a 4-H project. All home canned products will need to have a label attached to the jar or bag it was preserved in. Those without labels will be accepted for display only and not judged. A form listing all projects for each individual will be at the USU Extension Office prior to the fair. Please come in and fill out the form for each child. This will speed up the process when you bring in your exhibits for the fair.
Volunteers are need to set up and take down the 4-H portion of the county fair. Please contact our office to offer your services.
Please complete your enrollment or update your current enrollment before July. If you have questions, please contact the USU Extension office in Castle Dale. Call 435-381-3539. If you have open class exhibits, please contact the Emery County Recreation Office.
Summer Storytime
Beginning on June 9 at the Castle Dale Library.
Jr. Storytime for children up to age 8 will be at 11:30 a.m. and Sr. Storytime for children 9 and older be will be at 1:30 p.m.
The theme this year is: Every Hero has a story. We will be exploring all kinds of topics from Super Hero’s to Home Town Hero’s and more. The programs are free and open to all children.
Children who join the summer library program keep their minds active and enter school in the fall ready to learn and ready to succeed.
This year we will also be hosting a reading club. All children can participate in the reading club, regardless if they attend storytime.
Children who participate in the reading club will be able to earn “Library Bucks”, to buy items at our “Library Store.”
Come in and check us out! The local libraries are the place to be this summer!
Castle Dale watering schedule
Choose three days per week to water between the hours of 5 a.m and 10 a.m. and 5 p.m and 10 p.m. If you have any questions or concerns call Doug at 435-749-2283.
Addiction Recovery program in Emery County
General addiction meeting: Sunday at 6 p.m. San Rafael Junior High Seminary, 395 W 500 S in Ferron.
General addiction meeting: Tuesday at 7 p.m. Emery High Seminary, 945 N Center.
Family support Group: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Castle Dale Stake Center, High Council room, 25 E. Main.
General addiction meeting: Thursday at 7 p.m. Huntington Stake Center, High Council room, 240 N. Main.
This 12 step program is adapted with permission from AA World Services to include the Savior, Jesus Christ as our higher power. The program assists substance and behavior addicts and their families who desire a better life free of addictions.
There is no cost. No referral or recommendation is needed. All Meetings are anonymous and confidential.
Group leaders: Gary and Marlene, 435-687-2233, Phil and Pauline, 435-384-3133, Roger and Jan, 435-687-2515.
The October 2015 Historical Society Meeting will feature family folklore and tall tales of Emery County. We are looking for storytellers to participate. If you have a story (true or maybe not quite true) that you would like to share, please contact Frances Swasey at 435-687-5080 or frances@etv.net.
Addiction Recovery program in Emery County
General addiction meeting: Sunday at 6 p.m. San Rafael Junior High Seminary, 395 W 500 S in Ferron.
General addiction meeting: Tuesday at 7 p.m. Emery High Seminary, 945 N Center.
Family support Group: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Castle Dale Stake Center, High Council room, 25 E. Main.
General addiction meeting: Thursday at 7 p.m. Huntington Stake Center, High Council room, 240 N. Main.
This 12 step program is adapted with permission from AA World Services to include the Savior, Jesus Christ as our higher power. The program assists substance and behavior addicts and their families who desire a better life free of addictions.
There is no cost. No referral or recommendation is needed. All Meetings are anonymous and confidential.
Group leaders: Gary and Marlene, 435-687-2233, Phil and Pauline, 435-384-3133, Roger and Jan, 435-687-2515.
CASA Volunteers
CASA volunteers advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children. The primary responsibilities of a CASA volunteer are to: Gather Information: Review documents and records, interview the children, family members and professionals in their lives. Appear in/Attend Court: Advocate for the child’s best interests and provide testimony when necessary. Explain What is Going On: Help the child understand the court proceedings. “Be the Glue”: Seek cooperative solutions among individuals and organizations … Contact the Carbon/Emery CASA Program at casacastledale@utcourts.gov or utahcasa.org
Fair Volunteers needed
The Emery County Fair is looking for fun, enthusiastic volunteers to help with the set up and preparation for the Emery County Fair. If interested contact the recreation district at 435-381-2108.
Emery County History Books
The “Emery County Centennial History Book” of 1996, written by Dr. Edward A. Geary, will now be on sale for only $6. Emery County’s three Museums will be happy to fill your order while you view all the new displays in each. The Officers of Emery County Historical Society: Suzanne, Pres., Lori Ann, VP Elect., Evelyn, Sec., and Joyce, Trea., will also be happy to take orders.
“We want to get these History Books into people’s hands, homes, and on their coffee tables”, says Sylvia Nelson, ECCHS Committee Chairman, “instead of in Museum closets.”
Emery County is one of few counties in Utah to still have any Centennial books.
“We don’t need to sell them, but they make such great gifts!” Call Sylvia at 435-687-9184. “Leave name and phone number.”
TriFit Club
Come join our unique fitness club every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. at the ShowTime Dance Studio (330 East 600 North, Castle Dale). Instructors: Donn Jeffs and Heather Atwood. $3 each class or $20 a month. A club full of fun and satisfaction. Bring a yoga mat and handweights that accomodate you. Also bring a friend. Tri it……you’ll like it. For ladies of all ages. Call 435-749-1484.
Elmo Library
Preschool Story Time at the Elmo Library on Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Volunteers needed
Emery County Care and Rehab is looking for volunteers to help with activities such as bingo callers, musicians, dancers, singers, karate demonstrations, balloon animals, community theater, any other sort of unique talent is welcome. Even if you don’t think you have a unique talent and would like to volunteer don’t hesitate to call. If you would like to help or have an idea for an activity call Donna, 435-384-2301.
Grand opening. Enroll now. Let NCSF certified personal trainer, Cassie Taylor and Kristy Guymon, with ten years track and cross-country coaching experience, help you achieve your New Year’s resolution of becoming a healthier you. Castle Dale Rec. Center: Burn it up: Tue., 12:30 p.m/8 p.m. and Thur., 8 p.m. Enlighten: Mon/Thur, 7 p.m.. Hi-lite: Mon/Thur, 8 p.m. Ferron Fairgrounds: Enlighten: Mon/Thur, 5:10 a.m.. Hi-lite: Tue/Fri, 5:10 a.m. $45 a months; includes all classes, tracking and nutrition help. $35/12 class punch-card (class participation only). Call 749-7142 or 749-2653.
Castle Dale Library
Preschool Story Time is held Tuesday’s at 1:00 p.m. at the Castle Dale
Story time
Story time is not for sitting quietly. It’s not just reading, it’s for bringing stories to life in a whole new way. It’s a playground for your mind. The Emery County Public Libraries offer pre-school story time. To find out what day and time check the libraries web page at lib.emerycounty.com
Huntington Library
Preschool Story Time on day at 10:00. Young Readers Club is Wednesdays at 11:45. There will be reading and activities held each week.
At the Old Huntington City Hall. Mon. & Wed. – Zumba – 6:00 a.m., R.I.P.P.E.D. – 6:30 p.m.
Tues. & Thurs. – Turbokick – 6:00 a.m., Pump (weights) 6:00 p.m. and Zumba – 7:15 p.m.
Saturday – R.I.P.P.E.D. – 8:30 A.M.
For informaton call – Cheryl – 749-0439.
Ceramics For Fun in Emery
New stuff arriving all the time!! Hours: Tue – Thurs 10-5. Fri -Sat 10-8.
Southeastern Utah District Health Department
Immunization Clinic
Hours are: Monday 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and Wednesday 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. The office is located at 25 West Main Street in Castle Dale. Call 435-381-2252 for more information
Liberty Faith Fellowship Church
Adult Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Worship service at 11 a.m. Children’s church provided for 3 to 11 year olds. Please contact Pastor Steve Jones for times and locations of other study groups at 650-3875.
Lost and Found Recovery Program
Meets at Liberty Faith Fellowship Church every Friday night at 6:30 p.m. A “faith based” program.
Bread of Life
112 West 400 North Huntington. Sunday service 2 p.m. For more information call Pastor Bob Wells at 650-0556.
Castle Dale Independent Baptist Church
Sunday school, 10 a.m. Worships service, 11 a.m. Youth Group 6 p.m. Bible study is on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Call 381-2975 for more info.
Desert Edge Christian Chapel
Worship service 10 a.m. Sunday school follows worship service. Youth group, 10:15 a.m. Bible study, Monday at 6 p.m. Kids Bible Club, Wednesday at 6 p.m. Call 687-2933 or visit our website www.desertedge.info.
Huntington Youth
City Council
Come and Join! Any and all youth ages 12-18 are encouraged to join the Youth City Council. For questions contact Laneea Cowley at 749-0403
Youth Council meetings are held at the Huntington City Hall at 4:30 p.m. the last Thurs. of each month.
Drug Tip Hotline
Report any suspicious activity to 381-2888. You can remain anonymous.
Ready To Serve?
Ages 17-42
Looking for a rewarding and challenging career? Over 150 jobs. Starting Salary $13 and up per hour. Free medical, free dental, free housing with all utilities paid, 30 days paid vacation yearly. Call 877-810-8328 ask for SSG Bertagnolli with the U.S. Army.
Attention Emery County Residents
Do you have a friend or a loved one who is serving in the military in a combat zone? If so, Operation Home Support would like to add their names to their list. Once on the list, the ladies of Operation Home Support take it upon themselves to send these soldiers care packages and letters to let them know they are appreciated and loved. So if you have someone in mind, or know of someone who is serving in a combat zone in any branch of the military, please contact Jan Hess or Dixie Swasey to add their name to the list. Thank you for all of your help and support. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 42 Jan Hess 435-384-2753 or Dixie Swasey 435-384-3172.
Emery County Libraries
Story Time Schedule
Monday: Cleveland Jr. Storytime 10:30, Sr. Storytime 1:30. Tuesday: Green River 10:30, Emery 11, Castle Dale Wednesday: Elmo 10, Huntington 10. Thursday: Ferron 11, Orangeville 10:30
Did You Know The Emery Library Has Several Tools For You To Use?
Laminate your items: The cost is $1.00 for an 8 X 10 sheet. We have free wireless internet for your laptops. We have 3 computers for patrons to use for free. We have a scanner. We have a copier that can make posters. We have a fax machine to send and receive faxes. We have the new release books and magazines to read. We have Play-a-ways, Books on CD, Books on tape, Videos and CD’s. We are open Mondays to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We have two friendly, helpful Librarians to assist you!
Follow Castle Dale Library on Facebook!
Find us at: Castle Dale City library.
Friend us today!
The library newsletter is found on our webpage, www.lib.emerycounty.com.
Get a message from our director, and learn what new books are coming out!

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