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Commission holds annual Green River meeting


The Emery County commission met in Green River for their annual meeting on Aug. 25. They approved the Title V right-of-way grants on BLM roads as follows: Last Chance, Buckhorn Wash Realignment and Hadden Wash.
Commissioner Ethan Migliori said the agreement to utilize the lands for the Huntington North Reservoir public recreation trail had to be signed previously and they were ratifying this agreement at commission meeting.
Commissioner Keith Brady opened the bid for the janitorial and yard care services for the Green River Justice Court and Sheriff’s office building. The bid is for $200 a month. Commissioner Migliori said if all requirements are met, they can move forward with the awarding of this bid to Clare Maldonado.
The commission discussed the insurance involved with the Emery County Fair Vendor Application/Agreement to be used in 2016. The recreation district thinks the limits are too high. The issue will be tabled for further discussion. The vendors need insurance. Commissioner Migliori said, “We’ll wait until we can find a solution for everyone.”
The commission discussed the Guardian Flight insurance for all full time county employees at $30 per year. All part time employees can purchase this through payroll deduction for the same price. This insurance includes flights from any Guardian Flight carrier, not just the one stationed at Castleview Hospital. The commission views the insurance as a great service to county employees and they approved the insurance.
Personnel director Mary Huntington explained the wellness clinic planned for county employees. For the past eight years the county has offered onsite wellness clinics at the county building in Castle Dale and in Green River. Many items are checked including, BMI, eyes, blood pressure, blood draw and other diagnostic tests. It is $200 per employee which includes a follow-up visit with Lowell Morris from the Emery Medical Center. This service has been very important for the employees and has caught conditions before they have become a big problem. Also included is a flu shot. The county has rewarded employees who participate with four hours of vacation time. Last year 92 people took part including employees, spouses and children.
Some of the reasons people don’t participate included: concerns about medical privacy, which Huntington answered was not an issue, as the county doesn’t have access to any of the medical information or test results, these are handled privately between the patient and the doctor. Some people wanted to see their own health care provider; which Huntington said is fine and the wellness visit will be charged to the insurance and they could still receive the four vacation hours.
Appointments are scheduled on the wellness day so you don’t have to wait in line.
The commission said to get the word out on the clinics and they would support the effort. The prevention efforts also help with insurance costs. The board approved the wellness clinics with the Emery Medical Center and the vacation time.
The commission approved a resolution to dissolve the Castle Dale precinct of the Emery County Justice Court and the Green River precinct and combine the two into one precinct. There is only one judge for both precincts and the combining of the two precincts will make things easier. Judge Steven Stream will preside over the Emery County precinct. Nothing will change and there will not be any pay increases involved. Judge Stream can come to Green River as much as is needed. County Attorney Mike Olsen said if someone is incarcerated they will be in Castle Dale anyway and can go to court there. Now if someone from out of the area gets a ticket in Emery County they can choose to go to court in Castle Dale or Green River.
The commission will advertise for a mid-term vacancy on North Emery Water Users Special Service District’s board. Bruce Wilson has resigned from the board due to work conflicts. Commissioner Paul Cowley said the position term will be for three years to fill the vacancy.
The commission approved the Cooperative Agreement for Noxious Weed Management Between the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands and Emery County Weed and Mosquito Department. The amount is $39,810 and Cory Worwood, Weed and Mosquito manager, and his crews do the work.
Commissioner Cowley in his report said he visited with the Spanish Trail riders that came through the county last week. The Senior Citizen summer lunch will be on Sept. 11 at the Huntington City Park pavilion. BKs catering will provide the meal.
Commissioner Brady said they are preparing a resolution which clarifies the agreement between the Emery County School District and the Emery County Aquatics Center concerning the swim teams and P.E. classes and other uses by the school district. The county will pay the fees for lifeguards on duty during these times. The school district isn’t charged for use of the pool.
Commissioner Brady was involved with a conference call with the National Association of Counties. They will hold a national conference in September. They are seeking information from counties which have been hit hard by Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Commissioners Brady and Migliori will attend the conference along with economic development director Jordan Leonard. Sheriff Greg Funk suggested they gather input from the power plants to take along to the conference on how the EPA regulations are effecting the units at Hunter and Huntington plants.
Commissioner Migliori said they are working on a plan to have a home health/assisted living component to the Emery County Care and Rehab Center. This will help strengthen the nursing home. He reported he helped with a presentation on the public lands council at the Rural Summit in Cedar City along with Mistie Christiansen, public lands council chairman. Tim Smith from Utah State Parks was also there presenting. There was a good discussion with the other counties on how valuable the Emery County Public Lands Council has been in keeping the lines of communication open with the federal and state agencies. “There’s nowhere near the level of frustration in our county as there is in other counties because of our lands council involvement,” said Commissioner Migliori. He also attended an economic development conference in Denver. They will continue to work with the Bear program on local business development and retention.
Abby Jensen was selected as a part time Office Specialist in the Recorder’s Office, working 19 3/4 hours per week.

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