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Commission hears report on aging services in county


Commissioner Ethan Migliori honored the Emery County Road Department as the Employee of the Month. “We are grateful for all they do to help us in a number of ways. They do what you ask,” said Migliori. The condition of the Emery County roads is excellent. The BLM recently requested the help of the road department for an accident in the Swell and Emery County responded with their equipment and went to work.
Debbie Hatt from the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments met with the commission to discuss the aging program in the county. She said the aging services in Emery County have improved during the last 30 years. It used to be an all-volunteer agency where seniors met for community meals. When more money became available then staff and programs were added including meals on wheels and meals in the local senior centers. The Green River center cooks meals twice a week. On the western end of the county, Ferron is the center where the cooking takes place for the meals on wheels. Meals are served three times a week at the centers moving from Huntington, Castle Dale and Ferron. Meals are served in Emery as well. There are buses available to bus the seniors to where the meals are being served.
It was noted the Meals on Wheels truck will need to be replaced in the near future and they may purchase a larger truck next time. In the past the county has purchased the vehicle and Hatt said there are funds available which could help with a new truck. It’s estimated the new truck will cost between $50,000-$60,000.
Emery County pays $19,086 as a contribution. The other counties pay $500. Emery County participates in the amount of $347,848.
The programs are also subsidized with federal dollars although not as much funding as in the past Hatt said. Meals on Wheels is now available in Green River again. Funds are also used for social activities for the seniors including activities at the centers and trips. Meals on Wheels is served to primarily homebound individuals, there were 93 of those receiving meals in Emery County.
The commission approved the Inter-Agency Coordination and Sub-Recipient Contract Agreement between Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments to administer the Emery County Aging and Nutrition Programs from July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016.
Kimball and Roberts, Presented the FY2014 independent audit for Emery County. The auditors said the audit went well and the county received a clean audit and everything is operating as it was designed. There was a fund balance left over of $552,200 after all expenditures for the year were paid. The local building authority also showed a balance. “This county is very fortunate to have two very well qualified CPAs,” said the auditor.
Gabe Miller took care of the internal control over financial reporting. There was one deficiency given in regards to the revolving loan fund.
The county complied with all compliance requirements in the operation of all programs. The county was tested to make sure it is in state compliance under all categories some of which include Transient Room Tax requirements, retirement, open and public meetings, road funds and many others.
Kimball and Roberts said they audit seven counties and several towns and cities and it’s common to find areas where these entities might be out of compliance with the state. Emery County was compliant in all areas. All TRT taxes were spent in accordance with guidelines concerning these taxes. “It’s good to work with people who know what the controls are,” said the auditors.
The commission tabled the resolution to support designating Cleveland/Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry as a National Monument, as part of the PLI, as recommended by the Public Lands Council. They would like to have more time to write the resolution language.
The county discussed having an auction or sealed bid process for excess county equipment/office furniture. The departments will compile lists of any property they have for disposal. If there is a large amount an auction will be held the end of October. If not, sealed bids will be advertised and accepted.
The commission made the decision to begin the process to sell county owned property parcel No. 03-0081-0014. This property is in Lawrence. A surrounding property owner wishes to purchase the property. The county will receive sealed bids on the property. They will notify any adjacent land owners that the parcel is to be sold and it will be an open bidding process. It is .58 acres with a tax value of $121 per year. The property was acquired by the county in a tax sale in 1925.
The commission approved the County Performance Incentive Program grant as part of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative. The grant is for $2,100 and will purchase training software and hardware for the new inmate sessments which must be conducted as part of the Initiative.
Howard Tuttle, engineer said there were damages to the Blue Hills Road by the airport. Deer Creek mine took equipment over the road to property they have in the area and damaged the road. PacifiCorp will pay for the damages. The Emery County Special Service District will bid and supervise the road repair. The commission voted for Wade Nielson of the road department to give an encroachment permit to ECSSD#1 so they can move ahead with the project. The two areas involve 610 feet of damage.
Commissioner Keith Brady said Rep. Jason Chaffetz office came to town to tour the dinosaur quarry.
Commissioner Paul Cowley said he talked to the contractor doing the road shop expansion in Green River and the Castle Dale road shop. They have been pouring concrete in Green River and will be putting up iron soon. While the concrete cures in Green River they will begin work at the Castle Dale road shop.
The next commission meeting will be held on Sept. 15 at 3 p.m.

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