Sept. 11, 2015, a different day than Sept. 11, 2001. It’s been 14 years since that horrific day long ago, but that day is never far from our minds. It’s always there.
Some tragic events never seem to be forgotten, nor should they. I was listening to someone on the radio the other day describe the Holocaust Museum. I was wondering how something of that magnitude could happen that six million people could be wiped out in that fashion and the rest of the world didn’t get there in time to help.
I know there were many acts of heroism during that time that people willing to put their own lives at risk saved a few people. Those few people that were saved from destruction have lived on and had families of their own. I’ve heard many Holocaust speakers and one of their main focuses is that we never forget.
At the Progress, I used to have a letter to the editor writer that always stuck up for the unborn. He wrote numerous letters on the tragedy of abortion in our day. I don’t know how many babies have been lost to this practice. A practice I believe should have no place in a civilized society. In cases of rape or incest, I am sure there are still people out there who would take that child. If a mother’s health hangs in the balance because of a pregnancy that would be different.
How many couples suffer from infertility and may never get the chance to be parents. If you become pregnant and view it as a mistake, why not give someone else the opportunity to raise that child.
This subject since Mr. Bill Sharp passed away hasn’t been talked about in this paper. It’s a tough subject. But, recently the actions of Planned Parenthood have angered me. Who will speak up for these helpless little souls who are being bartered and sold through no fault of their own, only that they were conceived and they aren’t wanted. Not wanted maybe by those people, but wanted by others not fortunate enough to have children. Wanted by people who would love to adopt if they were given that chance.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t need the government’s money. Our money. I pay my taxes and am not happy that money is used to fund them. Most towns even in rural areas have some type of medical clinic or hospital where women could go and have that clinic be funded by the government, where they could receive women’s services. Contraception, advice on unplanned pregnancies and hope. Abortion isn’t the only answer. I don’t think it’s an answer at all. There are so many more options that these ladies need to be aware of.
So in speaking of things we shouldn’t forget, we shouldn’t forget the victims from Sept. 11.
We shouldn’t forget the victims in the Holocaust and we shouldn’t forget those unborn babies that never get a chance in this world.
Don’t be afraid to speak up and speak out against something that you think is wrong.
Speaking out is never popular, it doesn’t win you many friends and more often than not you will make enemies who will tell you that you are wrong.
We must each follow the dictates of our own hearts.
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