Mayor Roger Swenson opened the September meeting he invited Cache Leavitt, a Boy Scout to address the council concerning Cache’s proposed Eagle Scout Project. His project would improve the flowerbed around the Orangeville City War Memorial by replacing the plastic border with landscape blocks, remove the weeds and lay down weed blocking material. He requested the city pay for 120 landscape blocks. The project is subject to donations and will be reviewed for approval at the Council meeting in October.
John Hughes has volunteered to make an Orangeville City Council Facebook page that would show upcoming events. Mayor Swenson said the Special Services District announced that there is a State Contract for leasing a new John Deere full size backhoe. The cost would be $900 per year. The backhoe the city now owns is a 1989 John Deere it is in fair shape but needs a $2,000 repair. The lease of a new John Deere backhoe with additional features would prolong the life of the backhoe we now own. The use of the new backhoe would be limited to 200 hours per year. The council approved the lease of the John Deere backhoe.
Fees for the rental and insurance of the Community Center were discussed. Orangeville City is currently charging $75 for a one-time use of the Community Center. For Commercial users the fee is $100. Businesses using the Orangeville Community Center should have their own insurance and limit the liability of the city. The Community Center is being leased four or five times a month and rental should cover the cost and expenses of cleaning and maintenance.
It was decided to consult with the city attorney before making a decision at next meeting.
Animal permits and business licenses for the Bagley and the Paskett families were approved. Bagley has one goat and a dance business; Paskett has a cow, chickens and an Internet business.
A donation of $500 was approved for the Miner’s Memorial.
Allen Childs the Zoning Administrator and Orangeville Cemetery caretaker made a presentation of the three projects he is working on at the cemetery. These projects are stopping rodents and moles from digging up the lawn, the repairing of headstones and fall or winter fertilizing of the lawn.
One method used to attack the mole problem is to use a smoke pesticide in the mole holes. Another method that has been successful that keep the moles from undermining the headstones is to use a layer of coarse sand around the cemetery headstones.
Childs illustrated with slides projected on a screen how he was applying the above methods. He also reported Orangeville Cemetery needs help to improve the look of the lawn. He said IFA has a fall and winter fertilizer 22-2-12 that is to be applied from September to November. This fertilizer applied in the fall would make the lawn healthier though the winter months and provide early spring green up.
Other items discussed by members of the city council were that some residents have annoying barking dogs and some residents are allowing their dogs to run free in the mornings in violation of city ordinances. Those dogs are leaving deposits on neighbors lawns.
The Orangeville City Christmas Party will be Dec. 5.
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