Utah State University Eastern Receives Scholarship Funds for Engineering Students
The Intermountain Power Agency this month contributed $30,000 to Utah State University Eastern. Over the past several years, USU Eastern has received more than $240,000 from IPA to support an on-going scholarship endowment for engineering students. “Encouraging talented young people to enter the engineering field is of vital importance to our industry and our nation,” said James A. Hewlett, general manager of the Intermountain Power Agency. “A generation of engineers throughout the United States is nearing retirement and we need more qualified young people to fill those ranks.”
USU Eastern is one of six Utah institutions of higher learning that receive scholarship contributions from IPA. Engineering students interested in coal utilization and emissions control technologies receive preference in the awards of scholarships from the IPA funded endowments.The Intermountain Power Agency is an organization of 23 Utah municipalities formed to finance, construct, operate and maintain the Intermountain Power Project. The Project’s generating stationlocated near Delta, Utah generates enough electricity to supply the needs of more than 1.5 million homes.
Historically, IPP has been one of America’s cleanest and most efficiently operated coal-fueled generating stations. More recently, the Project has evolved into a hub for development of other energy resources including wind and solar electricity generation, energy storage in deep underground salt domes, and the potential development of new natural gas fueled electricity generation. The Intermountain Power Project includes a two-unit coal-fueled generating station located near Delta, Utah, two transmission systems, a microwave communication system and a railcar service center, all built as a joint undertaking by 36 utilities in Utah and California.
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