Emery County Commissioners met for their Oct. 6 meeting. They heard from Skip McDonnell, Electrical Consultants, Inc. They work with Rocky Mountain Power and Moon Lake, they deal with transmission lines, work with Kennecott, civil engineers, right of way work, mining, oil sands projects and others. He travels around the state to visit with companies and counties to let them know what they do and how it can benefit a company or county.
They met with the water conservancy district in St. George and the people who are planning the pipeline from Lake Powell and the possibility of creating power from this project.
Commissioner Ethan Migliori thanked McDonnell for coming and said they will contact him if the county needs help in this area.
The county is looking for a licensed contractor to secure the exterior of the Emery County Courthouse to prevent bat roosting.
Commissioner Keith Brady opened the Request for Proposals for qualified accounting firms to perform the Emery County Annual Independent Audit as well as the special service districts. After the bids were opened Commissioner Migliori instructed a commissioner, auditor and treasurer to look over the bids. It is for a four year contract.
The board discussed the Cleveland Library Parking Lot Project and approval of liquidated damage assessment. The project started after the contract date had elapsed and the contractor missed the deadline. They were 26 days behind schedule for a total of $26,000 in damages on a $44,000 contract. In order to mitigate these damages the company asked if they could complete the sprinkler system, landscaping and sod for the area behind the Cleveland Library. Commissioner Migliori said it would be a good addition to the library. The project will move forward this fall or next spring and should be completed by May 1, 2016.
The contract with the BLM Utah State Office and Emery County for Law Enforcement Services from Sept. 15 of this year through Sept. 14, 2016 as outlined and associated paperwork was approved. Emery County Sheriff Greg Funk said the contract was a long time coming. The expenses that will be covered include Easter and holiday weekends, special events and rescue events. There isn’t enough money for a full time deputy out there like there was before. The BLM will pay $36 per hour to cover overtime shifts. The contract can’t exceed $36,000 unless there is negotiation for unusual events and circumstances. Sheriff Funk said Rep. Chaffetz and his office have been helpful in getting the contract issues with the BLM resolved. The county has been without a BLM law enforcement contract since May of 2013. The commission explained the 2015 personal property business exemptions.
The commission approved the grant application to the Utah Division of State History for the Utah Cemetery Inventory Project for Antimony, Hiawatha, Aurora, Axtell, and Howes by the Emery County Archives. Commissioner Migliori explained none of these cemeteries are in Emery County, but Hiawatha is nearby and Bernice Payne will do the work for these cemeteries. She has worked on all the local cemeteries to get pictures of all the headstones and compile information about each cemetery and they are now online for research purposes.
The commission approved the Preservation Agreement between the Utah Division of State History and Emery County for the Swinging Bridge Project.
Bret Mills prepared the Communications Use Site Inventory for the Forest Service and BLM. This is an inventory of everything at the communications sites belonging to the county on BLM and forest service property. The commission approved the inventory.
The commission appointed Mary Huntington, personnel director as the Emery County Representative and Mike Olsen, county attorney as an alternate representative for the Utah Counties Indemnity Pool Annual Membership Meeting. Leslie Bolinder is the second alternate.
The commission approved the following 2016 budget work sessions: Budget work session on Oct. 13, 2015 at 9 a.m.-noon; Oct. 20 from 9-11 a.m., and Oct. 21 from 9 a.m.-noon. The meetings will be held in the Emery County Courthouse.
The commission approved the Right-of-Way for the purpose of constructing a fence line along the road to Goblin Valley. The grazing permittee in the area will construct and maintain the fence. Commissioner Paul Cowley said he has met with them several times and they are ready to get the fence constructed.
Public lands director Ray Petersen said the fence right of way is located within the road right of way.
The Emery County Library Break and Lunch Policy was approved.
The commission adopted a Resolution establishing a procedure to mandate Emery County employees to use direct deposit for payroll purposes.
Roy Pfander’s appointment as Green River City’s representative on the Emery County Recreation Special Service District was ratified.
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