Emery County Recreation Director Jake Atwood approached the Castle Dale City council to ask if they would partner with the Emery County Fair. Castle Dale has a celebration each June and the Emery County Recreation moved the Desertview Pro-Rodeo to the second weekend in June in 2015. They will continue with this weekend in 2016 and would like to move the Emery County Fair to accompany the rodeo.
Atwood said he thought attendance was down this year at the fair. He said there are many other activities and fairs around the first of August which might hurt attendance at the fair. It’s usually one of the last summer events and some of the vendors say they’ve had enough by that time of summer.
By being one of the first events, they hope to boost attendance and increase vendors. The first weekend of August is one of the biggest fair weekends and vendors look to go to larger events than Emery County.
A combination fair along with Castle Dale Days might be good for both the fair and for Castle Dale. The fair would help advertise and share costs with Castle Dale. Councilperson Dixie Thompson said that statewide attendance at events of this type are going down. She said she loved the fair and the food and the elephants. It was good to show off to people what little Emery County had to offer.
Councilperson Joel Dorsch is the council member over Castle Dale Days. He said they could have the BBQ and the kids rodeo on the Wednesday. The kids games they usually hold on the Saturday. He would like to continue with the truck event and an antique car show. If the city can save money on the June event then they could save some money for the pumpkin festival in October.
Mayor Dan VanWagoner said he would like to make sure the identity of Castle Dale Day is maintained if they partner with the fair. He thinks maybe the attendance at the kids rodeo event would increase.
Julie Jones is the fair director, she said this year the number of exhibits entered in the fair dropped. The fair committee would like to begin promotion of the fair now and encourage people to get their exhibits for next year’s fair ready now. One new event at next year’s fair will be bread sculpting.
Next year 2016 is a pageant year and an event could be grown in August around the pageant time which could include: fiddlers, lamb fry, square dancing and other events.
Atwood thanked Castle Dale City for the use of their facilities for the fair and how helpful they are at fair and rodeo time.
Councilperson Doug Weaver asked why the city started Castle Dale Days. Council person Brad Giles said it began as the Cottonwood Creek Celebration, June Jamboree and then Castle Dale Days. It is a celebration of the city and its residents. “There’s not a lot happening in June. There used to be a duck race too. The celebration helps pull us together as a city.”
Mayor Van Wagoner said he sees it as a win-win for both the city and county. With the two working together, both celebrations can grow.
Atwood said they haven’t worked everything out yet. The vendors for the fair would be there on Friday and Saturday. The Thursday would be the annual free hotdogs and swim day at the pool. The other events would be condensed into Friday and Saturday.
Councilperson Dorsch said events like Heritage Days in Huntington that is tied to a holiday is one of the biggest celebrations in the county. Castle Dale held their first parade in a long time this year and it wasn’t big, but it was a start. He said he would support the fair moving to June so there will be more availability for entertainment and vendors.
Councilperson Thompson said she would like to see the two together, a celebration for city and county.
Councilperson Giles said he would like to sit down with the fair committee and hammer out a schedule. Someone from the Castle Dale city council should be put on the fair board.
The Castle Dale Council approved to partner with the fair.
Jones said she would like to see every city in the county sponsor something for the fair and to get more involved with the fair.
Craig Johansen approached Castle Dale City about an easement for the pipeline for the ponds for the irrigation system. The city requested a map to show where all the new lines are in the pressurized irrigation system. The council approved the easement.
Johansen said they are down to securing the last two easements.
Johansen’s personal water use was discussed next. The city ordinance says watering is allowed between 5-10 a.m. Johansen waters at night because there is more benefit. Giles said bigger water users have been asked to water at night including the schools, parks, cemetery and churches. Large water users can water at night from 9 p.m.-6 a.m. three times per week.
Giles said the water restrictions have been imposed to try to get a handle on people who water all day every day. Big water users are defined as anyone with two or more acres to water.
The council passed the burn ordinance and the secondary water ordinance.
The land use committee has a new member; they have Clyde Huntsman, Del Funk and Emily White.
The real estate specialist from the BLM was not in attendance. The city wants to discuss whats needed to purchase BLM land adjacent to Castle Dale.
The ordinance enforcement report from Doug Moreno said there are some unsightly properties in the city that are being worked on and residents watering on off hours. There are skunks moving onto some properties.
Council person Weaver reported the cemetery is looking better and they are raising headstones and filling in around them. Mayor Van Wagoner said he has had some favorable comments on the cemetery.
Fire Chief/city maintenance supervisor Nosh Arrien reported they will be getting a groomer for ball fields instead of an aerator as they originally thought. The burn window is open from Sept. 15-Nov. 15.
Mayor Van Wagoner said they will approach the CIB for the funding of the new city building. Castle Dale City is taking the lead on the project and Castle Valley Special Service District and the Emery Water Conservancy District are partners on the project. It will be built where the former Co-op building was on Main Street in Castle Dale.
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