The main topic of discussion for the November commission meeting was the tippage fee at the landfill. The two local garbage removal companies City Sanitation and Emery Sanitation were on hand as well as several mayors from the local towns. Commissioner Ethan Migliori said they are working to find out what’s best for the citizens of Emery County and to find a balance. Commissioner Paul Cowley said it costs $261,000 to keep the land fill open and it’s a great expense. Especially when the equipment needs to be replaced.
Wade Williams from City Sanitation said since 2009 there’s been a tippage fee for construction garbage. Last Tuesday when their trucks went into the landfill they were told they would have to pay $15 a ton to dump the residential garbage. This would be a 20-30 percent increase. With an increase that large going into effect immediately wouldn’t give them time to re-negotiate their contracts with the cities and would cost them a lot of money. Their contract with Green River says a 60 day notice must be given for any rate changes. No one from Green River visits the landfill in Castle Dale. Their city provides roll off dumpsters which are brought to the landfill to be dumped.
Huntington Mayor Hilary Gordon said a written notice should have been sent to the cities and the garbage companies notifying them of the tippage fee. If the policy with the fee has been in place for so long, why is it just going to be enforced now? Mayor Trent Jackson said if fees increase to dump at the landfill then there will be more illegal dumping. The roll-offs they have in Ferron City help to keep illegal dumping to a minimum.
Commissioner Migliori said the county has been able to maintain the landfill without passing costs onto the citizens. But as equipment needs to be replaced costs increase. The compactor was $600,000 and money was found from other sources to pay for that. He would like to see the county, not implement a fee until the time comes when the county can’t afford to support the landfill anymore. For now the county is still good. There are some ideas that can be looked at to raise funds to go towards the landfill. There is the gas tax which would need to be put on the ballot and that could be looked at for the next election in 2016.
Commissioner Migliori thanked everyone for their comments because they will aid in making a decision. Wilson said he was confused and felt like it was a done deal and not open for discussion. He has the same concerns as Wade, if the fee is implemented right away, it takes months before the extra costs can be passed onto the customers. If the county does plan on implementing the fee then put it off until January or February to give the contractors time to redo contracts.
Wade Nielsen, department head of the landfill said there is a problem that needs to be addressed. It’s too hard for the landfill to determine who the contractors are and the private citizens. If a private citizen ordered the dumpster then there wasn’t a charge, he said there needs to be clarification. “We are maybe charging people we shouldn’t and not charging those we should. The ordinance is way too vague,” said Nielsen.
Commissioner Keith Brady said he thinks the situation needs to be explored a little more. Commissioner Migliori said the current ordinance needs to be defined or it needs to be done away with.
Commissioner Cowley said the ordinance could be put into place with a delayed start date. Everyone in the county might have to pay a little extra maybe a $2 increase per month. Costs here for garbage cans are lower than in other areas. Some mayors felt the increases would not be well received by the citizens.
“We need to explore this more. There is a $15 fee in place now, but we’re not enforcing it. We need to work something out. If the billing doesn’t work out logistically and fairly, then we need to look at it more,” said Commissioner Brady.
Commissioner Migliori said, “It’s business as usual for now. We will meet with the mayors for discussion and to get a plan. If it needs adjustment, we will give the contractors plenty of time to implement.”
Meagan Wilberg was approved to accept an invitation to become a member on the Utah State Museum Association Board. By being on the state board she can help raise funding for the museum and trade ideas with other museum curators. This is a good opportunity for her to bring exhibits to the museums in Emery County.
A commission tax adjustment was issued for Russell K. Eardley. His property was mistakenly removed from Green Belt. The assessor’s office has corrected the problem.
The commission approved the FY 2015 Homeland Security Grant Program and Utah Division of Emergency Management obligating document for award. This is a joint grant application with Carbon County and Emery County for $225,494.
The commission approved the contract with Johansen and Tuttle Engineering for engineering services for perfecting easements to benefit SITLA land at the Green River City Industrial Park in the amount of $14,000. This money is available for use for infrastructure and if it’s not used it will go back.
The commission approved a contract with Payne Relief LLC for $25,000, for work on the Emery County Resource Management Plan. These plans have been mandated by the Utah legislature and are to be complete by July 2016.
The commission authorized a letter for the Emery County Sheriff’s Office to apply for a grant from Walmart Foundation for the Shop with a Cop program. The commission approved the amended agreement between Emery County School District and Emery County for use of the Aquatic Center.
The commission voted to change the membership of the Administrative Control Board of the Emery County Fire Protection Special Service District to include only one commissioner. Currently two commissioners sit on that board. The board will be made up of seven fire chiefs, two at-large members and one commissioner. This change will take effect on Jan. 1 and the commissioners will decide who will be on the board.
In the elected officials and commission reports, Treasurer Steve Barton said the county investments are doing well. Commissioner Cowley said he has been to Ferron and visited with the senior center there and had a good discussion. There are some things they will work on to become more efficient.
Commissioner Brady said the Green River golf course is holding a disc golf tournament and will hold another in the spring. The punch pass system for the Aquatic Center is now available. Punch passes can be used for lap swim, showers, aquasize and other classes.
Commissioner Migliori said the broadcasting of free TV is being moved to lower channels 31-52. Some of the rural translators are being forced to shut down to make room for high tech transmissions. This won’t affect Emery County for now because the county owns all the towers and they are all up to date. There are 50 towers potentially going off line which will cut-off some of the free TV channels. This information will be given to the mayors so they can stay apprised of the potential problems this will pose for rural users of the free TV. These changes to channels will take place in March 2016.
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