Several weeks ago, in the Sunday tribune, one of my favorite newspaper columnists Robert Kirby put a question to the public about a fictitious button. I thought I would pass the concept along.
There is a button that you have the choice of pushing at any time. This button would release the secret of life, all about the afterlife and whether or not your faith was right or wrong and what happens when you die. There are three categories of people. Those who are atheists, agnostic or just don’t care because it wouldn’t affect how they lived their life either way. The second bunch of folks are ready to know the truth and would push the button regardless of the reason. Some would choose to make changes in their lives and others, being already good human beings, would push it just to know for sure. The third category of folks are those that are so firm in their convictions and their faith is so strong that they (know) that they are right. The first bunch of folks will probably end up as well either way. The second crowd may have to change their whole act to come out of this game with any chance to wind up in the promised land. The third bunch of people are idiots.
I for one would push the button even though I know I’m on a righteous path. This is certainly a hypothetical story because there is no such button. Which category do you fit into? Remember the golden rule.
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