Learn about startups from those who have done them; get in on an entrepreneur training program
In the next few weeks Castle Country Business Expansion and Retention will be featuring a number of new presentations for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.
On March 31, during the regular BEAR general meeting, Luke Matsuda of Matsuda Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine will be presenting how he started his business in Price only a year ago and continues to grow and thrive in
what many consider a down economy.
Two weeks after that, at the meeting on April 14 a special series of trainings will take begin with the presentation of the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program series. This program, which will alternate with
local business presentations every other meeting, can help those who lead fledgling businesses or established businesses to have new insights into how to grow and expand their enterprises.
The Ice House Entrepreneurship Program series is free to attend as a session, but can also be secured as a credited course or a credentialed course through BEAR. Beyond the meetings, on-line studies are available for
a fee, but will be low cost for those who wish to move farther into the subjects presented.
All BEAR general meetings are held in the Alumni Room at the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center on the Utah State Eastern Campus in Price. The meetings start at 8 a.m. and are always wrapped up within an hour.
In addition light refreshments are always available at the meetings.
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