The Emery County School District Board of Education is pleased to announce the appointment of Larry W. Davis to succeed Kirk L. Sitterud as Superintendent of Schools. The transition will officially take place on July 1.
Mr. Davis is currently the Principal at Emery High School and is a proven and experienced educator and administrator. He has 16 years of local administrative experience, eight years as Principal of Emery High School and eight years as Principal of Canyon View Junior High School. Mr. Davis also has 22 years of teaching experience between his instructional assignments with Emery County School District and Nebo School District.
The Board of Education wishes to extend its appreciation to the stakeholder selection committee, composed of employees and parents of students from the various communities of Emery County. The members of the committee responsibly evaluated each candidate and recommended finalists to be interviewed. The input of the committee members was critical to the selection process.
Eleven outstanding administrators applied for the position and seven were offered interviews.
We also wish to recognize the outstanding efforts Superintendent Sitterud has made to Emery County School District. His educational leadership and commitment to students over the 40+ years of his career have been invaluable.
As a Board of Education, we look to the future with excitement. We appreciate the wonderful parents, teachers, staff, and administrators who work together to help our students succeed.
Laurel Johansen
Board President
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