Castle Dale City council met for their May meeting. The Welcome Center is on hold until the next Budget Year on July 1.
Emery County Commissioner Keith Brady talked to the council about SITLA lands. “I am asking for your input and opinions. The rural counties have a lot of BLM land that can’t be used for economic growth. We (Rural Counties) are proposing to move SITLA (School and Institutional Trust Land Administration) lands, with no grazing or mineral rights, closer to the Cities so they are easier to lease or purchase.
The SITLA lands are State controlled, while the BLM land is Federally controlled, and harder to get permissions for. The Cities could then use the land for development. Some concerns other cities have had are about grazing rights.
Jim Gordon approached the City about the Cities taking over the payroll of EMT’s last month. All of the Cities in the County need to contract to do this, or it won’t work. The transfer needs to be done in by July 1 or the County will have to provide them with health insurance.
The second option is a Special Service District to take care of this, but there is not enough time with hearing notices and other legal requirements to meet the July deadline.
Brad Giles suggested to work on making a Special Service District and have the cities take over the payroll through an Inter-local Agency until it is in place. Julie Johansen agrees with the Cities taking over payroll.
Eric Johnson: Loan and Grant for New Civic Building. The three entities, involved in the new Civic Building, Castle Dale City, Castle Valley Special Service District, and Emery Water Conservancy District created an Interlocal Agency, The Castle Dale Building Commission that will build the new building.
The new building has a loan and grant at $1,619,000 each. The loan has an interest rate of 2.5 percent. The Castle Dale Building Commission will own the building and will lease to the three agencies until the loan is paid. Then each agency will own their designated percentage of the building.
Eric Johnson presented a resolution authorizing agreements: a Bond Document, at a 2.5 percent interest rate and an 18 percent interest rate in the case of default; a Lease Document which will be 20 consecutive one year leases renewable each year; and a Deed of Trust securing the loan.
Ken Gilbert asked why they are doing this now, and not before ground was broken for the new building.
Brad Giles assured him that our lawyers have been involved in the whole process, and everything was done according to legal requirements. Councilman Giles moved to adopt Resolution 5-12-16 authorizing the annual renewable lease agreement, between the City and Castle Dale Building Commission.
Ken Gilbert said, “I had a water leak that went over two billing cycles. It is now repaired. I am asking for relief of the overage bill.”
Larry Harrington had the same problem with a water leak. The council approved relief on half the overage amount. Andrew Larsen: Lease of City Property Andrew presented a document outlining what how he wants to use the City property adjacent to his home at 100 South Center. Mayor Van Wagoner said
we could do a lease similar to the one we did with Triangle Park. The lease for the property was approved.
Julie Johansen seconded the motion.
Max Lopan and Darshell LeRoy discussed Financial Help for Sidewalk. They asked for the City to pay for concrete to put sidewalks in front of their properties. The curb and gutter is already in place. They will do the work, if the City provides the concrete. It would take approximately 10 yards of concrete. Some council members expressed concern that this would set a precedent that citizens would expect help in the future. Concern was expressed that we didn’t have the funds.
Jacob Barnett made a motion that if these homeowners provided the labor and followed standard sidewalk specs, the City would provide one truckload of concrete for their sidewalks. Julie Johansen seconded the motion. Voting: Joel Dorsch, yes; Brad Giles, no; Jacob Barnett, yes; Julie Johansen, yes; Doug Weaver, no. The motion passed.
Mayor Van Wagoner presented a resolution to accept a .25 percent tax increase to fund transportation, HB 362. He said it would bring in $22,000-$36,000 a year to be used for transportation, bike paths, etc. The money is distributed by population. He is presenting it so the Council is aware what this is.
Several Counties in Utah have passed this. Emery County plans on putting this on the Ballot, but not this year.
The Employee Handbook was revised by Ignacio and the Mayor.
Kerry Lake from the Land Use Committee said they discussed the general plan in their meeting.
The fire department is participating in Wildland Fire Training. There are six trainees from Castle Dale and two from Ferron. When they get their certificates, then they will be paid for fire fighting on State Lands.
Arrien attended a training for online invoicing of fire fighting for the DNR. It has been used for a fire already this year. The County Memorandum of Understanding for getting paid for fighting fires on State land is finished and they are working on the City’s MOU with the State. It will be presented in October
The city will do one more truckload of sidewalk repairs in the areas and the neighborhoods where the two accidents were. One is in Valley View, and the other is south of the Elementary School.
Councilman Doug Weaver said someone contacted him about buying the old Brush Fire Truck. Arrien will determine the value of the truck.
Councilman Barnett wants to spend some time with the Youth City Council discussing leadership qualities. He would like the City to purchase some books on the subject.
He would also like to take the Youth City Council to a Legislative Session at the State Capitol, and is asking the Mayor for a small increase in the budget.
The Council went over the proposed budget worksheet and made some adjustments. They also discussed the costs of the County Fair, and what needs to be done so it runs smoothly.
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