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Millsite dam rehabilitation project update


"The old dam will be removed and a new one installed that's four feet higher."


The Millsite Dam rehabilitation meeting was held to update stakeholders on how the project is progressing. Norm Evenstad from the NRCS said the Environmental Assessment is in its last draft. They are still waiting on comment from the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the San Rafael cactus. The US Fish and Wildlife is wondering if it’s an option to have a conservation easement on parcels surrounding the disturbed area. They don’t feel the plan to transplant cactus from the disturbed area will be successful. They are looking for a few acres to be protected.
There is also an ATV trail in the area on BLM land. There are a few roads in the area to access the reservoir.
The Army Corp. of Engineers permit is waiting on the EA and waiting for USFW approval.
Roger Barton said some of the areas may be covered with water since the dam is raising four feet.
The BLM officials flew the Millsite Reservoir area. There is an existing easement and right of way for use of BLM land in that area. The EA will take care of that and the right of way will need to be updated. This will be finalized in the next couple of months.
A drone has flown the area and gathered data on the whole dam area and into the barrow areas. They have acquired good elevation data and vegetation data. This data will be used to answer any questions and to show what’s expected to happen as the dam project proceeds. Photographs of the area have also been taken.
The cactus have not been spotted as it is hot now and they have gone beneath the surface.
The company doing that work had trouble with their infrared camera and they will return to the area on Thursday to finish.
The company being used can also be brought back should additional information be needed during the actual construction.
Eric Dixon engineer for the project said they are almost in the final set of designs. They are waiting for drawings on the golf course remediation. There have been minor modifications on the outlet structure and on the discharge air vent manifold so it doesn’t collapse the pipe.
Bids will go out for the work in fall or early winter. Eighteen contractors have submitted qualifications. Eight of those were selected to bid on the project including Nielson Construction from Huntington.
– AECOM from Colorado;
– ASI Constructors from Colorado
– Granite Construction from Salt Lake
– Heeter Geotechnical Construction
– W. W. Clyde & Co.
– Whitaker Construction
Some of the companies will bring in managers and hire local to benefit the community.
A site visit is expected in October. The design is expected to go to the bidders in the fall or early winter and they will have approximately three months to prepare a bid. Hopefully construction will start spring of 2017.
Laren Huntsman from Hunter Power Plant wondered if there are any obstacles for the project design. Dixon said their engineering firm in Fort Worth, Texas has some concerns with the outlet tunnel. The company has been involved in the preliminary project work and been kept up to date with the project design. The company also has concerns the dam is made up of four foot rocks and concerns with the filtering system.
The dam is essentially being taken out and rebuilt. NRCS has been able to give them explanations on why the dam is being rebuilt the way it is to help alleviate any concerns they have. NRCS is trying to create a comfort level for those on the engineering side. There will always be some seepage in an earthen dam. The dam will be very stable. Maybe if the reservoir was held full for several years or a large seismic event could result in the dam becoming unstable.
Evenstad said the biologist is going to meet with them and go over comments received on the environmental assessment. The bid package should be ready by November. By late January 2017 the bids should come back in and a bid opening in February with a bid award in March.
The next Millsite Dam rehabilitation meeting will be on Sept. 6 at 9 a.m.

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