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Baby OakLee changes hearts with her short journey


"Megan and Jordan Engman with OakLee."


All stories are different, what brings a husband and wife together is pretty remarkable and each situation is unique. For Megan Allred and Jordan Engman, they met online.
Megan and Jordan are just typical young people, grew up in good homes, served missions; Megan to England and Jordan to the Nicaragua, Managua North Mission. Megan graduated from Emery High and Southern Utah University. Jordan is a graduate of Skyline High School, attended Salt Lake Community College and is now attending USU Eastern. Megan is the daughter of David and McKette Allred of Lawrence and Jordan is the son of Brian and Pam Engman of Salt Lake City.
They were married on Aug. 6, 2015. They began their married life in Salt Lake City where Megan worked and Jordan was attending school. Their joy with their new married lives became even better when they found out they were expecting their first child.
They soon discovered the baby was a girl and they named her OakLee. But, things became complicated when it was found out OakLee had heart problems and would be born with half a heart and would require a surgery soon after birth and other corrective surgeries as she grew.
OakLee was born July 26, 2016 in Salt Lake City, on her Aunt Paulette’s birthday. She was born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
She battled this condition as a true Heart Warrior, undergoing open heart surgery after just one week of life. She was always considered to be a less than ideal case in the eyes of the doctors, however she always seemed to exceed everyone’s expectations during her healing process.
In order to support OakLee and her family during the surgeries and healing process, Meran Kay who is Megan’s twin sister started making T-shirts for everyone with OakLee’s name on them and a giant heart. Several other people helped out the family with fundraisers.
Gordon”s Floral and J&N Auto hosted a breakfast and Shanna Magnuson from Naturally Inspired donated all the sales from one day’s business to the family. Heather Fielder is planning a car wash fundraiser.
Kaden Hinkins, a nephew of the family has OakLee’s heart symbol on his teams’ football helmets. They will be playing for her this year.
Numerous community members have fasted and prayed for little OakLee. They have worn their T-shirts and red shirts after she was born and during her hospital stay and surgery.
Her family has loved seeing her personality grow, especially during the two weeks she spent at home. She has touched many lives through the trials she has faced during her brief life. She is our perfect, little, Heart Angel who will bless our lives forever.
Little OakLee blessed her family during her brief five week stay on earth. She passed away on Sept. 3 at the hospital in Price.
OakLee was honored at graveside services in Orangeville. Everyone wore their heart T-shirts in a final show of support for this little trooper. family and friends released little heart balloons in honor of OakLee.
Even though her stay was short on the earth, her story has encouraged so many people who may have struggles of their own. The family wishes to thank everyone for the kindnesses that have been shown to the family during this difficult time. They appreciate everything that has been done for them.
The family has a strong faith in the Lord and have turned to Him as they start down the difficult path of healing. They will always remember the bright shining star OakLee is for their family now and in the years to come.
A special blessing for the family has been as Megan and Jordan were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on Sept. 9 and had their sweet baby OakLee sealed to them forever.
OakLee’s time was short.
Her journey hard.
She brought love with her birth.
Sweet sorrow now she’s gone on ahead.
Her Spirit lingers in hearts left behind.
Heavenly Father holds her now in his arms.
The family keeps her memory dear.
Her Spirit always near.

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