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Letter to the Editor: Why I may become an Independent Lou Sansevero Ferron, Utah

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I have been a Republican my entire adult life. I have contributed to and supported Republican candidates, I have voted straight Republican tickets, I have been Vice County Republican Chairman, and am a Republican County delegate, or at least was until now, but I’m considering being a Republican no longer! I will no longer contribute to the National Republican party, I will no longer contribute to a candidate because they claim to be a Republican, I will no longer support a candidate simply because he or she has an “R” after his or her name, and I will no longer vote for a candidate simply because they are a Republican.
Ten years in the United States Marine Corps has instilled in me certain virtues. One of the highest of these virtues is loyalty, a virtue I consider to be a moral virtue. I have found, over the course of the past year and a half that loyalty is a virtue sadly lacking in Republican politicians and in the Republican “leadership” who have turned on their own candidate and in doing so exposed who they really are. It is one thing to disagree with and challenge your candidate, that is how a party fine tunes its platform the direction a presidential administration will go, but this is not, in my opinion, the motive of these “Republicans”.
These “Republicans” have shown themselves to be less Republicans and more members of the invisible power elite who could care less if federal power is in the hands of Republicans or Democrats or whether we live in a constitutional republic that governs or under a despotic dictatorship that rules so long as the reins of power remain firmly in their hands and they profit from it.
During the Republican Candidate Debates 16 Republicans stood on a stage and pledged to support whoever became the eventual Republican candidate for president; after the candidate was selected in open convention all 16 of those “Republicans” reneged, attempted to renege, or grudgingly half-heartedly honored that pledge. Some of the unselected and their families even went so far as to publicly support Hillary Clinton. This party is no longer the party of Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt (Teddy), Eisenhower or Reagan this has become a party of demagogue leaders and politicians spouting constitutional platitudes and who have turned their backs on Republicanism while grass root rank and file Republicans cling fast to those virtues of Republicanism.
You may ask, “Why are both parties and the media so rabidly against Trump and so protective of Clinton?” In my humble opinion the answer is simple, Trump has dared to pull back the curtain and, as a onetime insider, exposed what goes on behind it, in short he has exposed how the sausage of political deals are made; he has admitted what most Americans only speculated, the fact that political “donations” by the rich and powerful are in fact thinly veiled, legitimized bribes and that everyone in that invisible, elitist Washington power structure knows it.
Clinton on the other hand is a loyal member of that power structure who will fall in line and do as told. I used to laugh at people who espoused such “crackpot” ideas calling them, in polite language, conspiracy theorist or less politely nut jobs, but after examination of the current state of the American political landscape and government I now believe it is a viable explanation. How else can one explain that in the face of overwhelming evidence of wrong doing, reams of documentation, tens of millions of dollars spent and hundreds of hours expended by congressional committees not one person has been sent to jail and that even when people subpoenaed by congress refuse to answer that subpoena and when individuals who are ordered to preserve evidence destroys it no punitive action is taken?
There is only one logical answer and it IS NOT the faults in the mechanics of the legal system nor of the limitations of congressional power, it IS that there are two justice systems in today’s America; one for the rich, famous, and politically connected and one for the rest of us. Congressional committees and investigations are political circus designed to placate the citizenry while accomplishing nothing and protecting the power structure.
If you don’t believe it and if you are an ordinary citizen try ignoring a subpoena or if you commit a crime and try defending your actions by claiming you had “no intent” to violate the law and see what happens; I’ll visit you on visitor’s day and you can tell me what a crackpot I am.
Is Trump my first choice as a candidate, NO! Is Trump my second, third, fourth or even fifth choice . . . NO, but Donald Trump IS the Republican candidate and the candidate of the majority of the Republican rank and file as demonstrated by his being chosen by delegates elected by those rank and file Republicans. He is, in an election between two evils, the lesser of two evils. No matter how “Republican” leaders rationalizes it, no matter how the “Republican” politicians couch their motivations in moral platitudes and no matter how Republican “leaders” and Republican politicians attempt to disguise their self-serving motives, these men and women, who are professional politicians, darn well know that it is an indisputable fact that if they don’t support the Republican candidate they ARE supporting the Democrat candidate; if they don’t vote for the Republican candidate they ARE helping to elect the Democrat candidate and in doing so strengthen that invisible Washington power structure’s gripe on the throat of the American people.
The contrast in this election is between what one candidate has said in the past and what another candidate has done and continues to do. Trump’s statements have caused embarrassment and hurt feelings, are offensive and offenses against political correctness and national sensibilities; Hillary’s actions, in my humble opinion, have caused the rise of ISIS, the loss of American lives, the loss of American prestige and, again in my humble opinion, have shown her to be not a Democrat but a Plutocratic Kleptocrat (a person who believes in a government ruled by the rich and elite in a governmental system composed of criminals). Given a choice of the two I’d rather be governed by the former than ruled by the later, I remain much more concerned over what Hillary has done than by what Trump has said. All I need to know about Hillary Clinton I learned from Benghazi.
To me it is no longer an issue of whether Donald Trump is the right candidate or the wrong candidate; the issue for me is that I am finding it difficult, in good conscience, to remain a member of a political party that is run by “leaders” that refuse to support the candidate of their party, who refuse to endorse their candidate, or who publicly admit they intend to vote for the candidate of the other party; this is their disloyalty to Republicanism and to every rank and file Republican.
While I abhor, on the national level, the Democrat party for their decidedly left-wing anti-Americanism I am forced to admire the fact that no matter the indisputable and mounting evidence that Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate they standby, provide cover for and defend her.
Both Republicans and Democrats, over the course of the past few elections, have admitted that the ultimate deciding factor in a given election is the independent voter; voters who vote not for a party but for the candidate after thoughtful consideration of the issues. For these reasons I am seriously considered becoming part of that cadre of deciders.
Whether I finally become an independent or not I will cast my vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton and for America by voting for Trump and WILL NOT support nor vote for those turncoat and cowardly Rinos who tacitly are supporting Hillary Clinton’s election and will never again blindly support “Republicans”. If I had any influence over any other individuals I would council them to examine their values and if they come to the same conclusions I have to do as I have and reject the demagoguery of the current fake Republicanism.

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