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County hosts dinner for senior citizens


"The Senior Citizens gather for their annual dinner hosted by the Emery County Commissioners."

By Phil Fauver Staff writer

The Emery County Senior Citizens annual picnic lunch sponsored by the Emery County Commissioners was held September 22, 2016 at the Huntington Senior Citizen Center.
Though it continued to rain off and on there were many seniors brave enough to drive to Huntington for this lunch.
Emery County Senior Citizen Director Shawna Horrocks welcomed approximately 75 seniors from all over Emery County to this lamb fry and pot luck. She also welcomed the Senior Citizen Center Directors and their assistants from the five Emery County Senior Citizen Centers. She said she hoped they had all enjoyed the Country Western Music provided by the Country Rovers band and would enjoy the great food.
After an opening prayer the broilers of lamb and turkey and plates of other kinds of food were set out on long tables for the seniors to select any food they would enjoy eating.
For food there was fried lamb or grilled turkey strips with pork and beans and potato salad. The seniors themselves brought an abundance of desserts to share. The caterers Kent and Julie Wilson had the help of Commissioner Paul Cowley and Commissioner Candidates Lynn Sitterud and Danny Vanwagoner in preparing the food for this meal. Jordan Leonard of the Emery County Economic Development Department also assisted in preparing and cooking the food.

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