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School board honors Sam Singleton/Julie Wilson


"School board members Royd Hatt, Marie Johnson and Laurel Johansen present a recognition plaque to Julie Wilson for her service on the school board."

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The December 2016 meeting of the Emery County School District Board of Education was held at Ferron Elementary School, Board president Laurel Johansen took a minute to recognize the recent passing of School Board member Sam Singleton. She expressed her appreciation for the wisdom, kindness, and friendship that Sam brought to all of his interactions as a Board member. She acknowledged that he is greatly missed. She presented a plaque to Kyle Singleton (Sam’s son) in recognition of Sam’s 16 years of service on the Board of Education. Superintendent Larry Davis read a poem he wrote in recognition of Sam’s friendship and service. Other members of the Board of Education expressed their sorrow and condolences on Sam’s passing. Principal Brian Dawes also took a few minutes to mention his appreciation for Sam’s friendship and mentoring over the years.
President Johansen indicated that this will also be the last Board meeting for Member Julie Wilson. She thanked Julie for her service, adding that Julie was selected to serve mid-term by the other members of the Board, and they have had no regrets about their decision. Member Marie Johnson presented Member Julie Wilson with a plaque recognizing her service to the Emery County School District. She praised Julie as a Board member who has been energetic, enthusiastic, and has had the best interest of all students in mind. Superintendent Davis read a statement acknowledging the important service given by Mrs. Wilson who, in turn, expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve as a School Board member.
Board members considered the warrants and minutes of the November 2016 meeting, and financial reports for November 2016. Board Action Item (C2): Superintendent Davis recommended to the Board that the following individuals be approved for the positions indicated: Megan Hatt: Head Girls Basketball Coach Green River High (Junior High team) Royd Hatt: Assistant Girls Basketball Coach Green River High (Junior High team) and Ryan Johansen Assistant Baseball Coach Emery High School.
Jared Black, business administrator recommended approval of a policy amendment that would add the option of a phased retirement with Utah Retirement Systems. He explained that phased retirement would allow a retiree to continue to work half-time for the District and still receive half of their pension amount. He mentioned that adding this policy language for phased retirement would simply increase District flexibility for post-retirement employment options. The policy amendment also included minor changes to policy wording.
Black presented bids for the purchase of school buses, recommending that two buses be purchased. One bid, based on State purchasing contract MA812, was received from Bryson’s Sales & Service. The price per bus is $115,268 and is nearly identical to the price of buses purchased a year ago. Transportation Supervisor Roger Swenson briefly discussed the need for two buses. Black also mentioned the District receives approximately 65 percent reimbursement from the State for transportation expenses, including bus purchases.
Principal Brian Dawes welcomed the Board of Education to Ferron Elementary School. He reviewed SAGE data from the 2015-16 school year. Ferron Elementary School scored above State averages in all three areas. He expressed his appreciation to faculty and staff for their efforts to help each student. He also recognized Kelly Perkins as a new teacher at the school, indicating that she is doing very well with her fifth grade class. Principal Dawes mentioned that it has been a difficult six weeks for families and students in Ferron. Several tragedies have occurred in the community. He voiced his appreciation for the support of Superintendent Davis and for the many District and community partners that provided assistance and resources to the school. He thanked the Board of Education for their support and for the opportunity to work as a Principal in the District.
President Johansen thanked Principal Dawes for his report and for his leadership at Ferron Elementary School. She mentioned that in her last visit to Ferron Elementary, she noticed that each student in each classroom was engaged in learning. It was very impressive to see.
Black reported a comprehensive audit of the Child Nutrition Program was completed earlier this week by auditors and specialists from the Utah State Board of Education. They were very complimentary of the program in their exit interview with District administration. A final report will be issued shortly.
Superintendent Davis reported on several matters. He was pleased with the turnout at the recent Youth Protection Seminar. A similar seminar is being planned for the Green River area. A recent meeting was held with newly elected Utah legislators in which Superintendent Davis and others were able to express their concerns about rural education. He reported the same concerns were shared by several Districts and our legislators showed support for those concerns. He and Mr. Black also recently met with each of the newly elected school board members.
Superintendent Davis acknowledged the recent death of EHS student Ethan Winter was a tragedy and has had a profound effect on the community and schools. He and other administrators visited the Winter family to express condolences and extend a hand of support. He thanked all who have helped in providing needed counseling and support services at the schools.
Superintendent Davis reported that Constitutional Amendment B passed and will provide additional funding to school community councils through the Landtrust program. This funding has been very helpful to schools over the years.
Superintendent Davis has also been visiting all of the schools and reported that he is seeing exceptional teaching and learning in every school. He expressed gratitude for the dedicated teachers and staff in our District. He also reminded members of the Board about the upcoming USBA conference in Salt Lake.
He provided a brief update of the sixth and ninth grade transition, indicating that it is progressing according to the timeline he established at the beginning of the school year. EHS is doing registration this week and this will jump-start the process where staffing decisions can be made throughout the schools and grade levels. He reaffirmed his commitment to do all possible to avoid employee layoffs.
Superintendent Davis was pleased to report that the technology grant was approved. The committee is now working to put together a professional development plan as well as a five year technology plan. He also mentioned that he had a great visit with the Green River High School student council. During his visit, they were planning a way to help support the Winter family and he was impressed with their kindness and leadership.
Superintendent Davis recommended to the Board that Robby Oveson be appointed the Assistant Wrestling Coach at Emery High School.
Kyle Singleton and his wife Kathy were there to receive a recognition plaquefrom the School Board for Sam Singleton’s 16 years of service.
One of Sam’s Norweigan sweaters and his brief case were on his otherwise empty chair.
Newly elected board members Tracey Johnson and Mckenzie Guymon were in attendance. They will be sworn in next month.

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