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BLM Conducts Coal Lease Sale for Greens Hollow Tract

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The Bureau of Land Management held a competitive coal lease sale by sealed bid for the Greens Hollow Coal Tract- a 6,175.39 acre area in Sanpete and Sevier Counties that is estimated to contain approximately 55.7 million tons of recoverable coal and is adjacent to the SUFCO mine, which contains other federal coal leases.
The BLM received one bid from Canyon Fuels Company, LLC, out of Grand Junction, Colo, for $22.85 million, or $3,700.17 per acre. However, this result is considered preliminary and will not be confirmed until the BLM sale panel determines if the bid meets or exceeds the estimated fair market value for the coal resource in the Greens Hollow Tract; the BLM will not accept any bid that is less than estimated fair market value; a date has not been set for the sale panel meeting, however, it will be conducted as soon as possible.
If the BLM sale panel determines that a high bid meets or exceeds fair market value, the BLM will only issue the lease after the Department of Justice has been allowed 30 days to conduct an anti-trust review of the bidder’s coal holdings. When a coal lease is issued, an annual rental payment of $3 per acre is required, along with a royalty payment of eight percent of the value of coal produced by underground mining methods. The Greens Hollow Coal Tract will be mined using underground methods. For more information or to obtain further bidding instructions, please contact Jeff McKenzie at (801) 539-4038.

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