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Emery baseball finishes third in region


Pitcher Tel Gardner against Gunnison.


It appears that even though the Emery High baseball team lost a couple of region games last week to the region champion Gunnison Valley, one at home and one on the road, the Spartans will still finish third in the 2-A Eastern region and will go on the road this Saturday to face either Summit Academy or Rowland Hall at the home of the South region champion which appears to be Kanab. Kanab will face either South Summit or Millard, the fourth-place team from the Central region. It will be sorted out by Saturday.
Emery traveled to Gunnison on Tuesday and lost the first game by the score of 3-2. Emery had five hits in the game including a triple by Jordan Baletka. Race Nielsen picked up the loss. The same two teams met at the Emery High field on Friday and again Gunnison Valley prevailed, this time by the score of 3-0. With the win, Gunnison Valley secured the top spot in the Eastern region and will host three other teams this Saturday.  Gunnison finished with a 9-1 record in region action.  Grand High finished with an 8-2 record and in second place. San Juan took the final playoff spot after finishing with a 5-5 region record.  North Sevier and Monticello will miss the playoffs this season.
In the first game Gunnison scored a single run in the first, third and sixth innings while Emery scored a single run in the fourth and fifth inning. In the game in Castle Dale, Gunnison scored a single run in the third, fifth and seventh innings while shutting the Spartans out. Emery had six base hits in the game while Gunnison pounded out 11 hits.
Emery’s hits were all singles and they were hit by Colton Willson with two singles and Easton Gordon, Tel Gardner, Zac Jorgensen and Koda Alton with one single. Jorgensen pitched the first five innings and Nielsen pitched the final inning.

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