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Castle Dale Library STEM night

 On April 20th at 6:30 p.m. Castle Dale Library presented Pushing the Limits of Nature, our Family STEM night.  Twenty-one  people attended the event.  The purpose of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics aka STEM was discussed. Camille Thomas assistant Librarian read a story. All participants made: a mason jar Ocean Habitat, a bird feeder made from a pinecone and peanut butter, and a nature themed sun catcher.  Prizes were awarded as well.
Our next Adult Book Discussion STEM class will be on May 18.  We will be discussing the book When the Killing’s done by T.C. Boyle. Our science partner will be Scott Labrum.  We will be viewing videos made by the National Science Foundation about the author and an informal science activity.  All are invited to attend.  This class will be held in the Swell Conference room in the Old Courthouse at 6:30 p.m.  Door prizes will be given out!

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