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Huntington City to install ADA restrooms at park

By Gary Arrington
Sports Writer

If one has noticed as they drive by the Huntington City Park, one would have seen a new restroom facility being constructed in the northwest corner of the park just off of Main Street. Councilman Lamar Guymon, the councilman over parks in the city, reported the new facility will be operational before Heritage Days, the first part of July. Guymon reported each side of the facility will have four separate stalls and that the foyer will contain travel information for tourists.
Mayor Gordon continued the April Huntington City Council meeting by talking about water, the fact that the City and County should have a plentiful supply this year. All reservoirs and lakes in the Huntington drainage are expected to fill. It was reported Joe’s Valley is actually dumping water now in preparation for the upcoming run-off. Gordon also reported the city is waiting on the BLM to close on property purchased adjacent to the secondary ponds. The purchase of the McCallister property located between Main Street and 100 West and 300 South and 400 South should be completed any day now.
Councilman Joe Ward reported a new retaining wall located toward the back of cemetery is being worked on as is a new water drain system. Councilman Leonard Norton reported the city recently burned the burn pile at the dumpster site. Norton also reminded city residents that the city has a dog ordinance and that ordinance will be enforced.
Councilperson Laneea Cowley reported the Easter egg hunt was a success with 235 kids participating. She reported that the Youth City Council is preparing the pots along Main Street for the flower planting which will be done in early May.
In other business, the Council approved a business license for Jed’s Handyman and Furniture Repair and voted to donate $150 for the new batting cage at the baseball field in the Park. The cage will be located close to the concession stand. The Council also voted to approve the re-written General Plan for the City’s use.

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