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Huntington City discusses Heritage Days

By Gary Arrington
Sports Writer

Mayor Hilary Gordon started off her report at the May Council meeting by stating that the planning is over and that the annual July 4th Heritage Days Celebration is quickly coming. The Heritage Days Rodeo, will start nightly at 8 pm on June 23 -24. On July 1 Huntington City will sponsor the annual dinner in the park with musical entertainment to follow by the Val Jensen group.
On Monday evening, the City will sponsor the annual free ice cream social at the City Park and that will be followed by Music from the group No Limits. On Tuesday the 4th of July, entertainment at the pavilion will include the Hypno Hick and the Wasatch County Pickers. Fun will be had by all and will conclude with the fireworks show on Tuesday night.
The Mayor also reminded all that two city council positions are up for election this year as is the mayor’s job. All were encouraged to consider running. Huntington City will take over use and cost of thebillboard located north of the City and will be responsible for the content on both sides of the billboard. The Council approved business licenses for two businesses, The New Yorker Grill, a proposed full-service restaurant located on the northwest corner of Highway 10 and 400 East and for Take 5 to Heal a Heart, a non-profit that uses animals in healing process. This business is located by Gordon’s Nursery.
The proposed budgets for the various City entities were presented for fiscal year 2018 to the Council and a public hearing and vote will be held at the June Council meeting.
Councilman Mark Justice mentioned that the City should now come up with a master plan for the property the City purchased on the south end of the city. Councilman Joe Ward said that the fence at the rear of the cemetery property is finished and that the facility will be ready for Memorial Day. Councilman Lamar Guymon mentioned the San Rafael bike festival. The festival was held last Friday-Saturday and Sunday and was based at the city park.

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