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John Wesley Powell River History Museum to Host Rafting Trip Fundraiser


The John Wesley Powell River History Museum is hosting a day trip on the Green River as part of a membership drive on May 27th. The fundraising event will help raise funds for the River Runners Hall of Fame and museum. Participants will also receive an invitation to a private event at the museum on the evening of the 27th called Powell After Hours, as well as a year-long museum membership.

In collaboration with the museum, the river trip is co-sponsored by the two rafting companies that are operating out of Green River, CRATE (Colorado River and Trails Expeditions) and Holiday River Expeditions. Executive Director of the museum, Tim Glenn noted, “Our board has done a great job of finding more and more opportunities to engage with the river community and our surrounding environment in recent years. We’re excited that CRATE and Holiday were willing to pitch in and help us get people on the water this year. It’s safe to say everyone at the museum is looking forward to the end of May.” All the proceeds raised from the event will go directly to the museum and help pay for any costs associated with the event.

The Green River daily runs from Nefertiti Rapids to Swasey’s Beach through Lower Gray Canyon in the Book Cliff mountains. Participants will meet at the museum and shuttle to the put-in on the morning of the 27th. Lunch will be provided on the river, and participants are encouraged to stay for Powell After Hours when the trip is over.

The cost to join the trip is a $75 donation to the John Wesley Powell River History Museum. For your donation, you will also receive an annual membership, which provides free entry to the JWPRHM, as well as the Prehistoric Museum in Price and the Museum of Moab. You can find out more and register for the trip by visiting www.johnwesleypowell.com or emailing museum@greenriverutah.com.

Info on the Museum

John Wesley Powell River History Museum is located in Green River, UT. The museum believes in connecting people and communities to the significance of river history by celebrating the cultures of and landscapes of the Colorado Plateau. The museum was founded in 1990.

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