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Canyon View ninth grade class closing program


Autumn Stilson, straight A honor student and Tayden Nielson, female athlete of the year. Patsy Stoddard, Editor

By Patsy Stoddard

The 2017 ninth grade class of Canyon View Junior High recently presented their closing program. Tayden Nielson welcomed everyone to the program. The ninth grade class was announced and they were presented with their certificates of completion. Straight A awards were presented to Jayce Rudd, Autumn Stilson and Brax Jensen. The athlete of the year awards were presented to Tayden Nielson and Brax Jensen.
Honor addresses were given by the three straight A students. Brax Jensen said it is important to deal with the circumstances you’ve been given. Michael Jordan became one of the greatest basketball players of all times, but he was cut from his high school basketball team. He used this as a motivation to get better. “If he had given up we wouldn’t be wearing Air Jordan’s today.
I get up and I fall down, the important thing is I don’t give up. Jensen told of Elvis Presley who had someone tell him he wasn’t going anywhere. But, Elvis didn’t give up.
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. You have the power and ability to make great things happen if you work hard.
Jayce Rudd said Thomas Edison said success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration which is why his ninth grade class was so stinky, JK.
The students have learned to take learning into their own hands. Rudd said he actually likes learning. Since he wasn’t good at sports he concentrated more on learning. “It’s important to do our own part in our learning. If studying hard would add extra money to your salary, how would you treat your education. What you’re doing now will determine what your life is like in 20 years. Start early. Don’t finish your math set right before class or start a project right when it’s due. There is less stress when you do your work early or on time. Enjoy what you’re learning. Find something that you can do on your own that you enjoy. Sometimes the best learning isn’t done in school. Your education is in your hands. After junior high and high school, I’ve heard it only gets worse. Thanks to everyone for making Canyon View an enjoyable place to go to school,” said Rudd.
Stilson was next to speak, she said everything comes with a choice. As a seventh grader she was going to get no tardies and do no talking in class. If you want an H for citizenship you have to put in some effort. Don’t procrastinate. Commitment doesn’t come easy. Don’t try to avoid work. Commitment will help you get there. It will all be worth it. Remember those typing drills? Success isn’t easy, but it will be worth it in the end if you believe in yourself. Study for those tests. Work for it. Believe in yourself. Sometimes we need good teachers to push us, remember art class? Work hard, be dedicated, give it your all and you will eventually achieve success.
The students viewed a slide show of their year at Canyon View.
Principal Yvonne Jensen spoke next, she said it was one of the teachers birthdays and the students wanted to give the teacher a gift. One of the students, their parents owned a flower shop, so the teacher guessed, this must be flowers. The student said how did you know. Another boy brought a gift and his family owned a candy store, so the teacher said, this must be candy. The boy said how did you know. Another girl brought a box and her parents owned a grocery store. The teacher tells the girl, I bet you brought me a drink, cause the box was kinda leaking a little. The teacher licked her finger a little bit at the liquid coming from the box. The girl said no, it wasn’t a drink. The teacher opened the box and it was a puppy. This has been a great group of kids. We don’t worry about much with them. They have accomplished a lot. They are the last group of ninth graders to go through Canyon View Junior High. They have excelled in sports, music; they have placed at the high school solo and ensemble meet. They have placed at the state track meet.
Winston Churchill said ‘success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.’
“You will fail, don’t be afraid to fail. Disappointment will come. Believe in yourself. Be the best you can be. If you’ve tried, you never look back with regret. Have the courage to win in this great game of life. Do the best you can do. The greatest reward will be playing a clean game and always doing your best. This is an amazing group. You can accomplish anything you want,” said Jensen.
Jensen said some of the teachers at Canyon View will be moving to the high school including Ferd Allred, Curt Collard, Pete Moulton, Dan Springer and Shanda Wingett. She said they will miss these teachers.

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