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DUP donates baby kits for newborns


Marlene Miyasaki presents baby kits to Julie Sprague, Director of Women’s Services at Castleview Hospital.

contributing writer

My Baby’s Keeper” Kits are being Provided by Emery County DUP Members
When I called to see if there was anything the Emery County Daughters of the Utah Pioneers could do to help in our area Julie Sprague said, “Sometimes, new moms need something to augment what they already have.” Sprague is the Director of Women’s Services for Castleview Hospital. . We further discussed in our company board meeting and with Julie what we could do to help.
My Baby’s Keeper” kits were inspired by the need for basic things like blankets, socks and hats. Many kits also include onesies and burp cloths to match. Most of the blankets are crocheted or hand-sewn by the creative DUP women in Emery County who love to share their talents by helping the smallest and most dependent among us, our newborn babies.
One family was driving through and had to make an emergency stop at the hospital to deliver a baby. “They were so happy to get a kit,” said Mary Scow, Labor and Delivery nurse. “You can just see their eyes light up when they get this gift,” said Linda Beal, another nurse who helps organize the kits and get them to the right mom. “It’s so nice to have something to share with them. We just appreciate everything so many women are doing to help.” We started out with the modest goal of donating 10 kits each month, but since October of 2016, Emery County DUP has donated approximately 225 kits, averaging about 30 a month. We also recognize and appreciate a couple of families in the area that have done service projects and made sizeable contributions.
Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, better known as DUP, are an organization of women formed to “honor the names and the achievements of the men, women and children who founded Utah. We seek to encompass a broad scope of services ranging from the preservation of historic landmarks to the education of thousands of school children and adults about their pioneer forebears.”…ISDUP Handbook. It is designed to “cement together in the bonds of friendship and love the descendants of the early Utah pioneers.
DUP is structured into companies. Within each company are several camps. Camp meetings are held monthly and include saying the Pledge of allegiance, singing pioneer-related songs, thoughts and prayers, a lesson from the history of the Utah pioneers, and usually a yummy dessert or meal. Once a year we commemorate Brigham Young’s birthday by holding a jubilee, which is usually a luncheon and activities.
We participate in many local city celebrations during the summer by marching in parades with an authentic handcart belonging to the Kathryn Seely’s family and auctioning off hand-made quilts and other items. We participate in the Emery County Fair where each camp provides a basket full of wonderful things for auctioning for our yearly fundraiser, and we have a presence at the Castle Valley Pageant.
These are only a few of the activities that we are involved in. We have so much fun!
Not a descendant of a Utah Pioneer? Don’t worry! You can also be a member of DUP. Everyone is wanted and encouraged to participate. In Emery County, contact: Frances Swasey, 435-687-5080, Company President; LeAnne Seely, 435-381-2195, Dale Camp President, Castle Dale; Margo Jones, 435-687-9198, Huntington Camp President, Huntington
Mary Lofley, 435-653-2963, Lily of the Valley Camp President, Elmo; Janice Snow, 435-384-2648, Old Mill Camp President, Ferron; Cynthia Grant, 435-749-2998, Rock Canyon Trail Camp President, Orangeville.
If you are interested in this outreach program for the Emery County Company of DUP, please contact Marlene Miyasaki, 435-687-2233

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