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Huntington City Memorial Day program


American Legion members honor the fallen with a 21 gun salute. Danyale Service

By Danyale Service

American Legion hosts the Memorial Day Program at Huntington Cemetery
Ray Quinn, the commander of the American Legion in Huntington, Cleveland and Elmo presented the 2017 Memorial Day program at the Huntington cemetery. He began the ceremony by saying, “Veterans sacrificed a lot so this country remains free. Old Glory represents the spirt of America. Young men and women have gone off to battle so this land can be free.”
The program continued as the poem “Why are you marching son?” spoken by John Wayne played on CD. This poem highlights the ideas that Old Glory keeps flying and our fathers have died from sea to sea to bless the torch of liberty. The opening prayer was given by Chaplain Owen Olsen. Then the American Legion president of District 5, Jenni Olson read a poem titled Flanders Field and reminded everyone that they can help with donations by buying a poppy.
Commander Quinn was asked by Blake Jones’ family to honor Blake by reading the poem “Ragged Old” Flag. As the poem was read, Eldon Holmes played his guitar. At the conclusion of the poem, Commander Quinn gave the command for the Honor Guard 21 gun salute. The flag was raised by boy scouts Allen, Taylor, Jackson, and Brance Durrant while Jim Hill played the bugle. The program was concluded by Mayor Gordon thanking everyone for coming.

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