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DUP works hard to keep traditions alive


DUP Convention

The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers are working hard to keep the traditions of their ancestors alive. They met for their District Convention at the Huntington Elementary. This convention combined Emery and Carbon companies.
The Huntington Camp also hosted an open house at their museum this day. Their museum contains relics from the pioneer days.
Francis Swasey welcomed the convention goers. A flag ceremony was performed by a Huntington scout troop. Vanetta Brooks led the group in the pledge. They sang their Daughters of the Utah Pioneers song. Annette Cook was the pianist and Gwen Peacock the chorister.
LeRue Stuart gave the presidents report for the Carbon Company and Frances Swasey gave the presidents report for the Emery Company. Penny Boyack gave the treasurers report. Marlene Miyasaki did the roll call.
The Just Because singers performed several pioneer song numbers.
Judith Obray from the International Daughters of the Utah Pioneers was the guest speaker for the event.
The new officers were installed. The group held a luncheon for all attendees.
There were several pioneer items on display in the gym and the group looked at them and then guessed what they were used for. LeAnn Seely helped the group with the identification of what each item was used for in the pioneer era.
The DUP is looking for new members. You don’t have to have a direct descendent who was a pioneer to be involved with the group. Anyone can join and they will adopt you into their group. The various camps of the DUP host many events and meetings throughout the year. They also help with the Castle Valley Pageant.

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