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Emery County Travel Bureau Meeting

Tina Carter gave the financial report. The Transient Room Tax is up $13,000. Our TRCC is down from last year but is up from last month. Green River’s TRT is also up as well as their Resort Tax.
The board looked at requests for Marketing Match Funding.
The Joe’s Valley Bouldering Festival is asking for $3,500. This will be the third time the event has been held and it continues to grow each year. Motion by Jonathan Hunt to approve.
Emery County Search and Rescue San Rafael Classic Triathlon is asking for $3,000. John Wesley Powell River History Museum is asking for $3,500 to help with the River Rendezvous which will be held in conjunction with the River Runner’s Hall of Fame. The Board discussed one day river running trips and how a business is needed for those one day trips. City of Green River Melon Cruise Car Show. The Melon Cruise Car Show is asking for $1,500. Keith Brady motioned to ratify the approval of funding for the car show.
Chad Booth with At Your Leisure has been asking the Commissioners if they would like to have the County be promoted on their channel. The Commissioners decided to table this item during their meeting to see if the Travel Bureau would like to partner on the cost. The total cost of the project is $6,600 so the Travel Bureaus portion would be $3,300. The board approved partnering with the Commission and paying half of the total cost.
Carter told the Board more Activity Guides need to be printed to get by until the brochures from HUB are completed. Five to 10,000 more guides are needed and the cost would be $6,000.
Opening Spending of Funds Collected this Year:
Carter explained that where the County is putting on events this year we are getting applicant registration funds in but normally we wouldn’t be able to spend those funds until next January. Opening these funds now will allow our Event Coordinator to spend those funds this year. The board approved this action.
The maintenance man for the Buckhorn Visitor center is asking for an increase in his contract for cleaning and maintaining the Buckhorn Center restrooms.  The county attorney will review the contract.
The Fat Tire Festival at Goblin Valley went well but didn’t have the attendance that they thought it would have.
Visitation to Goblin Valley is up by 20 percent for the year. The Disc Golf Tournament in Green River went really well. Fatty’s will be running the restaurant at Millsite Golf Course. Millsite is full and booked every weekend until October. Hunt proposed asking Ferron City if the overflow from the State Park could stay in town at the RV Parks.
Chairman Lamar Guymon and Jay Mark Humphrey from the Emery Water Conservancy are going to meet about paving the Huntington Trail to the top of the hill and removing the gate at the bottom of the hill. Green River has a new proposed trail that has been approved by the BLM.
Visitation to the John Wesley Powell Museum has increased the last few months. “The Way We Worked” exhibit
will be at the San Rafael Museum until the second week of July. The Way We Worked is part of the Smithsonian’s traveling exhibit.
Commissioner Keith Brady spoke about the County logo and how he has designed new logos for several of the departments within the County so that they embody more of what that department does and also highlights what that department does within the
Commissioner Brady would like HUB (the marketing company hired by the county) to take these logos over so that they are cohesive with our new branding. We also need cohesive badges throughout the County instead of two different badge styles that they have proposed.
Event cards are printed every three months with activities listed on them for events throughout the county.
Commissioner Brady asked if we are ready to move forward with merchandising. It was brought up that we may want to wait on our badges. Brady said that .com also needs to be added to the end of our logo as well as our hashtag #theswellutah so people can find our webpage and learn more about who we are.

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