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Miss Peach Days pageant



The Peach Days Pageant was held on August 12 at Emery High. There were two divisions including junior and senior. Brynn Urie was named the new 2017 Miss Peach Days with first attendant Maryn Allred and second attendant Tia Hulse.
In the Junior Division Kallee Cook was named the Junior Miss Peach Days with Miranda Pace as first attendant and MeMarie Melo as second attendant.
Also competing in the junior division was Emily Pace, Dallas Harris, Te’yah Sorensen, Faryn Hulse and Tylee Jensen.
Competing in the senior division was Kendra Shore, La’Shay Clark, Breann Chamberlain, Kelsey Hulse and Kiri Cook.
La’Shay Clark was the ticket sales winner. Miss Congeniality went to Te’yah Sorensen in the junior miss and to Tia Hulse in the senior division. Most improved, participating in last year’s pageant and this year’s pageant was Kendra Shore.
Anjelena Behling and Becky Allred were the directors of the pageant. The girls participated in talent, onstage question and evening wear. There was a performance by the San Rafael cheerleaders. The 2016 queens Abby Willson and Sierra Chamberlain were the emcees for the program along with Brett Behling.

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