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Orangeville city

By Phil Fauver
Staff Writer

Orangeville city Council meeting held Aug. 10. The City Council discussed the question of transferring the ownership of graves from one person to another as requested by the Humphrey family. It was agreed that their request would be honored.
Landlord agreements for Wickman, LeRoy, and Williams were approved by the city Council with the provision that the utility bills would be the responsibility of the renters.
A license agreement was approved for Morgan and Barney to put a fence on their properties.
A business license for the Food Ranch was approved for Clark and Jolene Heringer, the new owners of the grocery store in Orangeville known as Food Ranch.
The Council has received complaints about properties with high weeds that are a fire hazard. The city has ordinances in place that can be used to deal with this problem. The first step will be to send a letter to property owners with nuisance property if nothing is done to abate the problem a citation can be issued. Mayor Swenson suggested we first must identify the properties in Orangeville that are a nuisance problem before taking any action. In the past the fire department has been unable to find a fire hydrant because of weeds hiding the hydrant.
Complaints have also been received about dogs and cats running loose in Orangeville that are in violation of leash law ordinances. We have contacted Travis Tuttle our animal control officer to set traps for the dogs and cats that are running loose. Kent Wilson the councilman over animal control stated they were going to start enforcing our leash laws in Orangeville. It is against our ordinances for animals to be running loose through our neighborhoods. The animals should be fenced in or on a leash at all times. Mayor Swenson said we are going to step up our enforcement of leash laws.
Councilwoman Janet Tuttle reported $10,000 was budgeted for the Orangeville Day Celebration. The expenses came to over $12,000. The difference between the budgeted amount, the revenue received and the expenses is $2556.60. We had $6,000 in revenue so the total cost the city was approximately $6000. Thanks for the success of this celebration go to Janet and her crew of helpers.
The Orangeville Days fireworks were on a separate budget. The city paid $5,000 for fireworks but after putting in the donations received the total cost to the city was $2315.
Mayor Swenson said the Orangeville Day celebration went off very well and the budget is in good shape. He thanked Janet Tuttle for all the work that she did in making the Orangeville Day Celebration a success.
Two resolutions were approved amending the 2016-2017 general fund budget and the water and sewer fund budget.
The welcome Park and restroom project was completed for a cost of $232,000.
Janet Tuttle announced that the winners of the drawing for leftover monies from Orangeville Days banners were awarded to R.D. Allen and Son Construction $100, Doug Johnson Gardening $50 and Darlene Magnuson Vacation Rentals $50.
City Council adjourned after hearing reports from the staff and councilmembers.

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