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Commission approves staging area for pipeline project

By Patsy Stoddard

Emery County Commission meeting items: An agreement between Emery County and PacfiCorp was approved. This agreement is for PacifiCorp to use the area above the Bear Creek Campground as a staging area for the water pipeline project between Rilda and the Huntington Plant. The company received the right-of-ways from the federal agencies involved to proceed with the project. The pipe is now being stored on the site. The property will be secured and an access gate will be installed. At the end of the project the improved road, fence and gate will become the property of Emery County and they can leave it or take it out.
Merrial Johansen from Johansen and Tuttle presented the contract documents and specifications for the Emergency Watershed Protection Adobe Sediment Basin Project. Dates for the project are from July 24 to Dec. 21. The bid was for $1.3 million to do the sediment basin. The project has been waiting for the environment analysis which is now complete. The contractor is hauling in equipment and is ready to begin.
The signing of USDA NRCS ADS-093, Amendment to Agreement 68-8D43-15-13 on the Millsite Dam Rehabilitation Project was approved. There will be a two year extension on the project to expend all monies. Capt. Ekker said $1.7 million can be used for technical assistance for the project. The monies will be put into categories. Emery County will receive some monies for their assistance with the project.
An agreement between Johansen & Tuttle and Emery County for professional services for a Stilling Basin for the Huntington Canyon South Debris Basin was approved. Capt. Ekker explained with the high water run-off water this year water ran under the rip rap and some of the grouted rip rap was lost. They would like to have this fixed by October. The concrete stilling basin will slow the water down. While the work is being completed the radial gates will be closed and the river water will be forced over the spillway. The project will begin when the water is lower.
The Extension of Agreement for Joe’s Valley Boat Ramp and Parking Lot Expansion was approved. No work can be done on that project at the current time due to the height of the reservoir.
The Archives is applying for World War I Veterans Grant. With this grant they will locate and clean all headstones of World War I veterans.
The commission approved the Utah Office of Tourism’s Opt-In Program for Digital Tool Box-Photo Package 3. Tina Carter from the travel bureau said this is for the photographer the state contracted with and they will come to Emery County and photograph anything the travel bureau would like.
Jordan Leonard, economic development director requested the Tourism Incentive Grant Funds for Castle Valley Small Engine Mechanic be awarded. Leonard said the business is building a shop on Castle Dale Main Street and will rent out ATVs and four wheelers and do repairs. Tina Carter said they must a sign an agreement they will be in business for two years or have to pay back the money. The property is being cleaned up and will help improve the Castle Dale Main Street. The grant is for $5,000.
The commission approved the lease agreement between the State of Utah and Emery County for space rent for Adult Probation and Parole. The contract is for $22,860 for five years. This averages out to be $381 per month.
The list of the 2017 Election Judges was approved.
The comments to the forest service regarding the Assessment Report was approved. Comments came from: PacfiCorp, Emery County Public Lands Council and the San Rafael Conservation District. The forest service is in the middle of the forest plan revision and is requesting comments at each of the steps in the process.
Concerned citizens asked why Kelli Nelson had been terminated as the aging director. Attorney Olsen said the county wasn’t at liberty to discuss this as it was a personnel issue. The citizen said she has been on a number of the senior citizen activities/trips and Nelson has been very good with the activities and the seniors have enjoyed having her. She wondered who she could talk to about it as the seniors were all shocked and surprised at this action. Attorney Olsen said her comments would be noted.
Commissioner Brady said the public lands council went on a field trip and toured the fire areas and made a loop. He also toured the DesBee Dove trail and it looks better. The San Rafael Class triathlon was huge with 130-150 entrants.
Huntington Library selected Joyce Guymon as a part time janitor, working 7.5 hours per week. The Road Department selected Cory Cloward as a part time Equipment Operator I, working 19 3/4 hours per week. The Justice Court Complex Maintenance selected Malinda Bell and Dinah Hayward as part time janitors, working 19 3/4 hours per pay period. A 3 percent wage increase for Jacqueline Wilde for successful completion of her six month orientation period as the part time Travel Bureau Assistant was approved.
A 3 percent wage increase for Josie Stilson and McKade Hansen for successful completion of their six month orientation period as part time Deputy Treasurers was approved. The Aquatic Center selected Chyanne Carter as a part time head lifeguard, working 19 3/4 hours per week.
A 3 percent wage increase for Brock Winn for successful completion of his six month orientation period as the full time Equipment Operator I. was approved The Aquatic Center selected Cameron Petersen as a part time lifeguard, working 19 3/4 hour per week. The commission approved increasing pay for Emergency Medical System Garage Coordinators to $500 per month.

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