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Check out Kindles at the county libraries

Did you know that your Emery County Libraries have Kindles that you can check out? Yes it’s true. And it’s FREE!! The libraries have Kindles available for patrons to check out. Right now there are 259 titles on them, some current best sellers, old favorites, and even many non-fiction titles that might be of interest to you. All you have to do is fill out a Kindle borrowing agreement and you can check one out for two weeks.
Can you download your own book choices or games on the library Kindles? No. There are no games on the library Kindles, and the only downloaded books are the ones that the librarians have chosen. We do take recommendations if you have one that might be an asset to our collection.
Can you download our books onto your personal device? No. We have licenses to accommodate the Kindles the libraries own, but unfortunately we can’t use those to enable you to download them to your personal device.
If you wish to download books to your own device, and hate the cost of buying a book to only read it once, the State Library offers a way for you to download books directly to your device. It is free of charge. You need to have a library card from any one of the eight libraries in Emery County with your own personal barcode number. It’s easy to do. The librarians can help you get set up and help you start to enjoy this free service.
If you have any questions about any of these programs, call your local library and the staff will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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