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Erickson’s field of flags


field of flags emery IMG_5536

From the East you immediately notice a field of 16 red white and blue American flags on a beautiful green lawn. Patriots, David and Kathy Erickson have put up this display of flags in remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy for all those that have fallen and are still falling from the actions of terrorists in our country. David and Kathy have been putting up a flag display every year since the 9/11 event took place. Each year they add another American flag to the display in commemoration of first responders such as law enforcement and firemen that protect us in America. No other country experiences the freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America.
This flag display is the project of David and Kathy Erickson, who recently retired from California and moved to Emery to take care of his aging parents. David is the son of Arthur and René Erickson who also live in Emery.

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