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Commission carries on without Commissioner Brady Commissioner Sitterud is the new chairman


Commissioner Lynn Sitterud goes through the agenda items at the Tuesday commission meeting.

By Patsy Stoddard

The Emery County Commission met for their first meeting without Commissioner Keith Brady. Brady recently resigned his position to take a job in Sitka, Alaska.
Commissioner Lynn Sitterud was voted in as the chairman of the commission for the remainder of 2017.
Commissioner Sitterud opened the bids on the Huntington Canyon South Debris Basin Improvement Project 2017. TSJ Construction bid $219,000.60; Nelco Construction bid $232,975; Perco Rock bid $164,435; VanCon Inc. bid $319,205. Johansen and Tuttle will look at the low bid to make sure everything is in order and the bid will be awarded to the lowest bidder which at this time looks like Perco Rock.
The commission went into a public hearing to take public comment on Level 3 Conditional Use Permit for KFJ subdivision and zone change. Jeff Guymon the zoning administrator said there are 40 acres which are zoned industrial but there are four residences on the property. They met with Johansen and Tuttle and researched the zoning on the property. The county approved the building permits for the residences. The property needs to go through the regular subdivision process. It has gone through planning and zoning. Lots one-four will be zoned A1. Lots five-nine will stay in the industrial zone. There is a trucking business there operated in accordance with the industrial zone. There needs to be an entrance and exit road into the property. This has been completed. Any expansions on the property will requiare a review by planning and zoning.
The commission came out of the public hearing and approved the Level 3 Conditional Use Permit for KFJ for subdivision and zone change.
The board ratified the appointment of Bradon Bradford as Interim Health Officer for the Southeastern Utah Board Of Health. The board ratified the signing of the Emery County Emergency Watershed Protection Project Orangeville Flood Control Project Plan.
The board ratified the signing of the Cottonwood Creek Erosion Control Operation and Maintenance Plan.
The board approved the cooperative agreement with the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands for noxious weed management along the Green River. Commissioner Sitterud said this is for $25,000 and is for Russian Olive control and removal and work on noxious weeds on the lower end of the Green River.
The board considered the approval of Shala Hunsaker as the Miss Emery County Scholarship Program Director. Maegan Crosland said this was put on the agenda by Commissioner Brady, no one was familiar with the item so it was tabled until more information can be obtained from the current pageant committee.
The board amended the County CIB List for Fiscal Year 2018 at the request of Huntington City. They wish to add the continuation of the retaining wall at the cemetery to the list.
The board approved the EMS Off-Line Medical Director Agreement with Dr. Travis Engar. Attorney Mike Olsen said someone is needed who oversees the EMS department and Dr. Engar has been doing this for a long time and an agreement is needed.
Commissioner Paul Cowley reported a drone race activity was held at the Huntington Airport. The larger drones also raced in the Wedge area. There were obstacle courses set-up and Commissioner Cowley said there were many wrecks and there were several participants who brought along spare parts for repairs.
The Arapeen Trail ride is ongoing at the Castle Valley ranch. Some of the ATV riders are staying or camping at the ranch. They can access several trails from the ranch including the Hole Trail. They can go into Emery and ride up the Quitchupah and other trails.
Commissioner Sitterud said there is an empty seat on the commission if anyone is interested. Bill Dellos, the Republican Party chairman said there has been a lot of interest in the seat and currently he has 10 applications. The voting will take place on Sept. 14 and the central committee will vote by secret ballot until one of the candidates receives 51 percent of the vote. In the commission meeting on Sept. 19, the name will be presented to the commission for approval or disapproval.
Commissioner Lynn Sitterud has retained Maegan Crosland as his Confidential Secretary. Lorraine Martin was selected as a part time janitor for the Green River Library. Mark H. Williams was approved as a volunteer for the 2017 Arapeen ATV Jamboree.

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