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Lesa Miller is new Huntington city council member


Lesa Miller

Life-time Huntington City resident Lesa Miller was unanimously elected to the Huntington City Council last week by the current City Council to replace Lamar Guymon on the Council for the final two years of his elected term of council member.  Guymon was elected mayor in the November election.  Miller was a current member of the Huntington Planning and Zoning Commission.
Lesa and her husband Scott are owners of Millers’ Welding.
The Council meeting’s first order of business was the election of Guymon’s replacement.  Guymon was not present at the Council meeting as he was home recovering from medical issues.  Councilman Leonard Norton was appointed as the acting Mayor to conduct the Council meeting.
Five Huntington residents had applied to fill this seat, Miller, Tom Grimm, Kathy Baker, Schaly Ungerman and Aleasa Pierce.  The candidates were each given time to introduce themselves and then each of the candidates answered five questions with each of them going first one time.
 Miller answered the first question “What would you like to accomplish?” by answering “to work cohesively with the other council members.”  The second question was “Do you have time to fulfil the duties of this position?’ and she replied “I confidently can say yes, I have time to do the job.”
After the questions were over, the Council voted and Miller received the votes to be elected on the first round of voting.  She was immediately sworn in as a Councilperson and took her place alongside the other elected officials.
In other business, it was revealed some of the duties of the Council for 2018.  Norton is over the Dump site, animal control, streets and is the safety monitor for the city.  Gloria Wilson is over beautification and parks, Joe Ward is over the cemetery and Kelly Oveson is over the Fire Station and the rodeo grounds.  Miller is waiting her assignment and other assignments may be coming.
All council members will be involved in the Heritage Days celebration each July 4.
Oveson in his first report as a councilman stated that he is working on rules for the use of the station and presented a draft of proposed rules.
Fire Chief Jim Gordon asked “If my name is on the paper why wasn’t I consulted about these new rules?”
 It was voted to table this until Oveson and Gordon could get together and proceed with this.
The Council held a CDBG grant application public hearing as required by law to converse about proposed work at the concession stand in the city park.
 The proposed work would include an awning, new concrete and a railing around the concrete.

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