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San Rafael Job Shadow day


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San Rafael Middle School College and Career Awareness students participated in the state wide job shadow day. To correspond with Ground Hog Day, Feb. 2, the students had the opportunity to shadow an adult for a day of work.
This day provides the students a chance to discover what it is like to be at work for a day. Some students discovered that the job they shadowed was fun and perhaps it would be a career that would interest them. Other students discovered that the jobs they shadowed were something they would not want to pursue. Overall, the students had good experiences learning about different career choices.
Griffin Bernard (Pharmacy Technician) – I might want to work there some day as a clerk for an after school job, but probably not to be a pharmacist. I loved my experience, and I even wanted to work there another day.
Payton Thomas (Police Captain) – My favorite things about my day was spending time with my grandpa, going into the dispatch room and seeing the armory. I think that I would love to do this kind of job someday. I know that I will have to keep learning things at school like math and grammar.
Beka Barnett (Lab Technician) – When I was with my dad at the Hunter Power Plant, I saw many bizarre things. It is nothing like what I expected. I learned that being a lab tech is a hard job and you would need to be patient to have this job.
Kambree Ware (Electrician) – My favorite part of the plant was the control room. It was pretty cool. I had a fun day and I would work there if I really wanted to.
Sabrina West (Electrician)  – I learned a lot of what my dad does, works with, and works through when he goes to the Power Plant. I don’t know about my future, but for right now working at the Power Plant sounds like a fun job. Overall, I did enjoy my experiences with my dad.
Aspen Jensen ( Electrician ) – I enjoyed my experience very much. It is very amazing how much it takes to make and produce the energy we enjoy. Overall, this was an amazing experience for me.

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